Monday, July 28, 2014

Re:THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF which hasn't been put into its own Blog yet
7-21-14.Re:Anyone's money pit
Atty.Cirullo's Delray office was called to say Howard Orner will no longer be representing us as he used the $3,500.00 retainer for that letter, June 20,2014, and wanted another almost $300.00 for that plus another retainer.Gorging has happened in the past for very little work. However, the circumstances are different now.The S/Ws moved Jan.2011 and after months, it seemed that they would no longer be a viable source of trouble from outside this City.
That leverage of the routine harassing and stalking the S/Ws and their police protection has been lifted.This residency is now longer frantically looking for a way to stop it. It may seem as if this residency is incapable of hiring a competent attorney.Well, this is odd circumstance for any residency. First you have to be somewhat in the attorney loop to know who's who. And no one was prepared for the outrageous methods and lengthy determination of the harassers and stalkers.   And one was prepared for the outrageous methods and lengthy determination  of police to protect,enable and cover up the harassers and stalkers, followed by the lengthy determination of the City to protect, enable, and cover up for the stalkers and harassers and their police.
However this residency is not just anyone's victim. This residency is owed damages and reimbursement which will eventually happen. In the meantime, this residency is just not anyone's money pit or victim.
7-17-14/City contact
Howard, Have you had any kind of contact with the City or any City representative since Att. Cirullo's reply? 
Our last contact with you was your request for more money which we complained about.
It's a little too ironic to have to find someone in the City to find out if our Atty. has done anything.
You overcharged us and did as little work possible,and didn't help when we really needed it after the initial $17,000.00.
Return two thirds of the money.No matter what the argument will try to be, it was wrong.
The behavior after the Settlement Agreement just weakened our case.This behavior now just weakens our case. As an Attorney, you weakened our case.
Obvious is obvious
 However this residency is not just anyone's victim. This residency is owed damages and reimbursement which will eventually happen. In the meantime, this residency is just not anyone's money pit or victim.
7-18-14.Re:Complaints. In case you haven't gotten or read all the  emails, I will mail them to you. The  emails are the complaints about your deceitful over billing and overcharging and lack of performance.In other words, you collected $22,000.00 for very little work and left us dangling in a legally precarious situation and damaged our case while you demanded more money.The last overcharging is really the last straw.Return two thirds of the money.To be cont.
7-18-14.I just called Atty.Cirullo's office, Delray, to say that Atty.Howard Orner is no longer representing me/us, citing high fees and lack of performance as a pattern. Atty.Cirullo's legal assistant said Atty.Orner has to send them something in writing. That's OK. The situation is not urgent. I've just never done this before. There have been too many people who think we're an easy take, from the beginning, BECAUSE OF THIS MESS WITH THE LHP POLICE AND THE CITY OF LHP AND THE STALKERS/HARASSERS WHICH WE DID NOT CAUSE WHICH COST US TOO MUCH TIME AND MONEY PLUS NOT BEING ABLE TO USE THE RESIDENCY IN ANY NORMAL WAY FOR A DECADE PLUS. People have to know that we are not just anybody's victims. Thank you. To be cont. Click Blog on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it  weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. to follow
Re:Overcharging a senior citizen, AGAIN  
7-28-14/Howard, Please be reminded, as requested last evening with a phone message-transcript to be return to Andy $3,000.00 of the $3,500.00 retainer  by Friday.That letter wasn't worth more than $500.00.And please be reminded that you overcharged us with that $17,000.00 and that $1,500.00, three times more than you should have.The neighbors are gone and so is their leverage so we can watch things better now. The worthy thing about that letter was that the overpricing was so bad and in your face, that I got angry and that tipped off the opposing attorney to jump at what he thought was opportunity and he did something really dumb and now LHP has to explain what they did, and they don't have a better excuse, or any excuse, and that one makes no one happy.That to be cont.
Anyway, you don't want to be remembered as the Attorney who overcharged a senior citizen, AGAIN, during a well known unfinished decade plus scandal mess.  Gee,thanks.
7-29-14.Howard. Please be reminded, you overcharged us at least three times over, didn't help after that overpricing-  $17,000.00 and $1,500.00-, and jeopardized/ruined our case for damages when you wouldn't help enforce the Agreement or help in any way. 2008, the ninth year of all this, was one of the worst. I had to wide audience email so everyone in the County knew what the City was doing here.It took a year to get the major harassment and stalking to stop.But the mindset of the S/Ws didn't stop. They  kept taunting and gloating that the Settlement Agreement wouldn't be enforced and kept threatening to continue and did, in lesser and shorter spurts. The City and the police were mad they got caught. The S/Ws antics were good leverage as we couldn't use the property in any normal way and the S/Ws kept sending  patrol cars here for really dumb reasons anytime they thought of something.It was still a modern horror story and a very suable one.We used up our budget.I called and called and  sent all the emails and website and Blog to you through 2010.YOU WOULDN'T HELP. YOU WANTED MORE MONEY. And for what?You weren't effective in stopping that intense stalking.You were just effective in collecting $18,500.00 for very little work.I had to 'pretend' I had attorney backup.That's where the praise and justification on the Blogs came in.I couldn't let the City know there was no real backup.Don't even try again with the 'no contact for nine years' thing.
You had a chance to rectify this when we came back for damages. The S/Ws were gone and there was a Mayoral change which was crucial in policy to proceed.SO WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU USED UP THE $3,500.00 RETAINER FOR A LETTER.YOU SAID THIS WAS A $7,500.00 CASE YOU WERE DOING FOR $3,500.00 AND WOULD WANT $500.00 IF IT HAD TO BE FILED. SO, ONE LETTER AND ONE 'JUMPED' REPLY.The 'jumped' reply could be counteracted as no one is happy with it or the publicity, but of course that won't happen as you expect to be paid for very little INEFFECTIVE work while I did all the real work, even before the $17,000.00 fiasco payment.
I kind of really did think you would rectify this mess.You didn't. Good attorney work isn't seeing a cash amount and then figuring out how to charge the most to get it while doing as little work possible.I did like and praise the initial letter.That's what I thought it was-an initial letter dealing with one aspect of the whole picture- NOT A $3,500.00 LETTER SO YOU COULD GET PAID AND SAY YOU USED THE RETAINER  UP!
Return $3,000.00 of the retainer by this Friday.You should have better things to do than rip off a senior citizen you already overcharged for ineffective work. That overcharging for ineffective work will be dealt with later since you won't tell the truth about what happened and really did ruin our case for damages since you got all the money to do it and then wouldn't help.
To be cont.The S/Ws are gone.The decade plus leverage is off us.
7-31-14.Re:Howard's Overcharging
Howard,The $3,500.00 retainer-used charged an enormous amount of money to look at my Website with Audio and Blogs.An enormous amount.They wouldn't have even had to go up if you had finished the job you grabbed $17,000.00 for, which required very little work or study on your part.
At the signing of the Agreement, at which time you just had to grab another approx.$4,000.00. Andy asked who was going to enforce it. As it turned out, no one was going to enforce it.The power went right back to the police to in any way utilize it, and the LHP police had been the problem all along which was why we had to hire attorneys. Immediately after the singing, the problem continued. I called you for years and years asking for help while the problem still raged.No help from you. You did write one letter and charged $1,500.00 which did no good.
Granted , the LHP police and the City of LHP were way out of line belligerently enabling, protecting and clearing all that,but that was the reason we had to hire attorneys and go to Circuit Court in the first place. Even at the final meeting with you finishing up  business, I told you they were really acting up again,and you just dismissed it,cutting me off. You had told me while finishing the Agreement that it was iron clad.Then, once you got the money you just wanted to go away.
What we did have was a Circuit Court Settlement to show everyone, while it was being violated over and over.
The S/Ws moved.That leverage was gone.LHP had  new Mayor. The County knew about the whole thing due to the emailing, Web with Audio, and Blogs.
What could go wrong going back to you for damages and reimbursement?
You had gotten so much money before for so little work when we were under so much pressure to get help. -Little work, ineffective work with no follow up-. You were very enthusiastic about the potential amount of damages.
Then you did your thing,- again-,overcharging and figuring a way to use up the retainer.That even shocked me. I thought you would finish this up with some sort of professionalism. 
Apparently,we're supposed to pay you to breathe while I did the work.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. to be put up
7-30-14.Re:Howard/Return the overcharging
Howard, I just called and spoke with your temporary secretary,Lynn, and told her to remind you we wanted $3,000.00 of the retainer returned, as you overpriced,again. You overpriced the entire time doing as little work possible with ineffective results.This is not just our opinion.It is a solid  professional opinion. 'Churning' that $3,5000.00 so you could keep it, after all the excessive fees we already paid, as it turns out, is not beneath you.There is no excusing your behavior.You could have rectified the excessive past behavior with this episode.I really thought you could be trusted.Nope. Return as requested.If you want a request from Andy, he will be calling you, as my calling and emailing has only gotten two calculating, wrongly calculating, email replies from you.Thank you.
As already stated you overcharged at least three times the amount, did as little work as possible, and were not effective. Basically, I did all the work and you did the necessary legal part a layperson cannot. Then, you left us dangling, even though I asked for help for years and years.You had gotten our monetary budget for this. The problem continued.And, you severely damaged this part, the reimbursement and damages part. Thank you so much.

Re:THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF which hasn't been put into its own Blog yet