Monday, July 28, 2014

The S/Ws are Lori Watras, John Watras, Lori Starr, M.Starr
Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. 
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. is not up yet.It is in

Audio Files - | Neighbor ...
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family

Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
LHP Atty.L.Reynolds/ LHP Atty. M.Cirullo/ LHP Mayor G.Troast/ LHP City Admin. J.Lavisky / LHP City Clerk J.Oh

8-21-14.Update:The situation is on hold until this attorney mess gets straightened out through the various agencies- Bar,Court. 
None of this should have happened.The S/Ws and the initial officers should have been stopped at the beginning.
All a City's facilities should not have been used for that abnormal amount of years to pacify any people like the S/Ws and the initial officers. 
At the beginning, Atty.R.Yates should not have had more influence than a LHP residency that really needed help.You don't see him hanging around to help clean up the mess.He just hung around to get paid to keep causing it. Having that kind control in a small City certainly did not get past him as method. Again, none of this should have happened.It was just a waste of life with dumb,devious people feeling important.To be cont.
8-18-14.Re:Not over
Mayor G.Troast, J.Lavisky, J.Oh
Why didn't the LHPPD and the City just say we don't have to to protect you AT THE BEGINNING? At first, it seemed it would be standard police work as the S/Ws were really over the top and very loud for hours on a daily routine with their stalking and harassing which was really scaring a lot of people. Then the LHPPD policies became so bizarre with really weird excuses to keep the S/Ws continuing.The S/Ws had such strange police backup and protection to keep them harassing and stalking- trespassing, screaming, threatening, banging, blasting, repetitive noise method, etc.,etc.along with their already intolerable screaming, banging family fights.
And then the lying about this residency and the vilifying and the slander became unbearable and continued throughout.
This residency also had to put up with the intolerable patrol car visits on behalf of the S/Ws, a method used by the S/W to further harass this residency.They really liked sending patrol cars here.They would loudly plot when they would send them discussing when it would be convenient for them.They really liked harassing with the patrol cars.That was a big coup for them.
It was impossible to get around that 'staring is stalking' excuse for everything the S/Ws did.
Code Enforcement was particularly unethical but at the beginning the police were Code enforcement, and the unethical part continued after they were separated but not really separated.When a residency has a permit to put up a fence to keep stalkers from trespassing, the police shouldn't say 'the property line has not been defined' to keep the stalkers trespassing, especially with a filed Circuit Court Document to stop the trespassing part of the stalking. 
There was a lot more unethical and illegal goings on in LHP beside the one aspect of this residency not getting the protection it really needed, especially for that length,decade,of time.
There may be the misconception outside LHP that there was updated intelligence here. Not so. Detached,unrealistic, and devious  people made awful policies and decision that really hurt this residency and other people had to continue them so the City would not get in trouble by people finding out.That doesn't work That outdated lying and slander attempts to try to cover up the mess are particularly disgusting and the complaints about that are not over. The whole thing is not over. 
Under informing Attorneys to write up a slick excuse doesn't work.
The police and the City really hurt this residency which was really trying to stop all this.The S/Ws had the cops and the City.Try fighting that.All that lying.
This residency did not do well choosing Attorneys, well known by now. It is impossible as a lay person to deal with all the parts of this or even figure out how to deal with all the parts of this, and the opportunists were right there to swoop in. If the City and law enforcement had behaved, this residency wouldn't have gone looking for Attorneys in uncharted waters, so to speak.
None of this should have happened.
The S/Ws moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over.
8-15-14.Re:Filing/unique LHP
Sometime this week,we are filing a complaint with the Bar Assoc. regarding Howard Orner. The Bar wants to help with the filing.When you are that desperate,anyone looks good,and any little bit of help seems like a big deal.This also brings up the point as to why were we so desperate, and how did this get so out of control. LHP's dealings with Attorneys and legal issues are questioned. I certainly don't know why LHP did what it did.It is completely not understandable. At least LHP is unique in the sense of making a big mess no one could ever think of. Really unique.The S/Ws moved Jan.2012and that leverage is over.It took about two years of the S/Ws being gone to feel mostly reassured that part was over and the City wouldn't at least overtly act up with their own harassment or backlash.That was hefty and effective leverage.To be cont.
 8-23-14.Re:law enforcement wide latitude
With the wide latitude given to law enforcement/cops to do what they want/decide to do, there was range in that latitude to help this residency,- more than enough range to decide to help this residency in the decade plus situation. 
The S/Ws' intention  and actions were more than just obvious,especially since they screamed and gloated about them almost daily. 
What the S/Ws did do, was hire an Attorney, Atty.R.Yates, at the beginning, who knew the setup, things that the average citizen, layperson, does not know about law enforcement.
A residency in LHP that really needed help should have been more important than people with an Attorney who knew how to work the system, especially in a City that touts good living. 
Again, there was that range,enough range, for assistance to this residency.It would have been more than just legally correct to assist this residency. It would have been a lot less goofy than what the City decided to do with its facilities for a decade plus.
This residency is still cleaning up the mess from LHP's choices, -dumb, devious, belligerent choices.
Gee whiz, thanks.To be cont. Not addressed in 8-23-14 email:
1.The S/Ws using law enforcement to harass this residency as a harassment method -same screaming and gloating that they could, would, did enforcement and City enabling, protecting, covering up for the S/Ws enforcement and City misinformation, lying, slandering
But then,after all, what is wrong with doing the above?Who would complain? Or, more likely,what residency would be able to stop it all or fight back? And the City could just grab an Attorney or Law Firm, not tell it the whole story, and get something slick in writing to just glitz through it. Anyone spending a lot of time putting together a Law Firm would be really proud to have their name out front linked with LHP. The detached, unrealistic City workers, members, law enforcement  and LHP Groupies who caused and continued this decade plus mess should realize, it's not a privilege for an attorney or Law Firm  to be linked with or to do legal work with LHP. It becomes more of a 'What!?Why didn't you tell us this before we stuck our names out?!'
8-26-14.Re:What's next? 
Mayor G.Troast, City Admin.J.Lavisky, City Clerk J.Oh,
If the City/LHP decided it did not 'have' to protect this residency, then what was the criteria 'for' protecting, actually protecting, enabling, covering up, and clearing the S/Ws for over a decade? The S/Ws were illegal.The City and law enforcement were illegal and unethical. This residency really needed help.
It appears that this is an attempt as excuse after the fact to try to stay out of trouble.
OK. What is the criteria 'for' or' for not' protecting?
And, what is to be done about the unethical and illegal activities of the City and law enforcement while not protecting this residency and while protecting, enabling, covering up, and clearing the S/Ws for over a decade?
Who decided it was a good idea to let people trespass, harass, and stalk,etc., routinely for over a decade,so loudly you could hear it on three streets and in the park across the street, and use patrol cars visits as a method of further harassment? -the S/Ws and Att. Yates?-Hawkins/Oh policies?
So far the  reply- attempt at after the fact excuse for not helping this residency does not explain all the activities of the City and law enforcement. 
What's next for that part? This residency hasn't done well hiring Attorneys for its necessary protection. A City and law enforcement are legally formidable, no matter how irresponsible, and have the deep pocket.However, it may take hiring another Attorney to get the second answer. It's never a good idea to try to use lying, misinformation,and slander to try to get out of a mess.That only strengthens the resolve to get everything uncovered and straightened out.Being mean, devious, in your face insulting, and belligerently juvenile are not good policies.
When a City and law enforcement make a goofy mess that weird, one that would puzzle anyone, for that length of time, with all the bizarre incidents, the attempts at explanation to try stay out of trouble would be expected to be as cuckoo,detached, and expensive.
This situation remains unresolved.  To be cont.
Re:Deerfield Observer/8-28-14/Page 4,15/Fred Schorr/Naming Opportunity/
Perhaps there could be a statue of him placed  in Frank  McDonough Park with a plaque that says:
"Our cops don't have to protect you".
"I'm not kidding"
"Nothing wrong ever happened here."
The discussed required policy in place could be the era defining statement 'If you complain,we will make things ten times worse and harass you ourselves.We have the facilities and the manpower'.
At least it would be a stated policy instead of an unwritten one.
Jack could do the unveiling of the statue and receive honorable mention for expertise in era neighborhood lookout. 
And Commissioner Johnson could make a special return appearance in the Observer and put in pictures of her era involved friends.The LHP Groupies could wear T shirts that say,"Of Course We Always Agree.What Do We Say Happened?" 
There's plenty of tapes available of the activities in that area and of that era which could be played continuously near the statue in remembrance of the era of 'nothing wrong ever happening', kind of like an era tribute audio theme Head Administrator documentary. See  Audio Files -following years available.
There should also be a scroll listing will all the qualified substantiated patrol car visits in that area. A lot of that professional work has been 'forgotten', even by the participants.
This is a pretty inclusive, knowing suggestion.Or, maybe LHP could hire an Attorneys to make quicker,slicker suggestions without much effort or thought.
Thank you.

9-8-14.Re:Shorr Era commendation/Bad idea 
It isn't a good idea for the current LHP administration to establish some sort of landmark commendation for the Shorr Era.
This residency put up with too much unnecessary abuse. Participating in enabling, protecting, covering up, and clearing that much abuse for that unbelievable length of time does not merit commendation.
And on top of putting up with all that, it took years of complaining to try to stop the misinformation, lying, and slander.Trying to vilify this residency to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this will never be tolerated.The people who caused and continued this mess are still working and have been given constant praise and awards.
This residency has tried to keep some semblance of civilized retort and explanations while trying to stop this mess.
This residency has said on numerous times that the Schorr Mayoral Era was laudable for fiscal responsibility.
And the Mayor then did receive his award for that, the occasion for such not unnoticed by this residency. 
That should be enough. And the Mayor's wife already did get a lot of attention. It's tempting to say - a lot of super duper neato attention which was almost mandatory,-not really overstated, and got to play with a lot of police stuff,- but the term civilized retort has been used in this email.
However the way this residency as treated was far from that, and any opposing factors should should not be given much leeway.
The City has been very,very dirty, and belligerent, juvenile and devious,  which just got worse and worse. Who was running the City? -The S/Ws? -with the Sociopath's Manual on how to run people around in circles?
The S/Ws sold and moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over. 
Anyway, this situation remains unresolved, and a Mayoral commendation is not in order, or acceptable, or advisable. The Decade Plus situation with all its side effects and ramifications was and is just too dumb. A complete waste of life.Thank you.

9-18-14.Fw: Re:...why did the police jump...
9-18-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, J.Oh,
If the bottom line is "The Police do not have to protect you.", then why did the police jump every time the S/Ws told them to for all their goofy demands?
And why did the police and City enable, protect, assist, cover up, and clear the S/Ws?
This has not been resolved, except for the attitude of, 'Too bad for you if you didn't like it.', or the stated, 'Nothing wrong ever happened here'. 'The S/Ws did not and were not doing anything wrong.'
Where's the answers?
9-21-14.Re:Initial Officers
Why are the initial Officers who caused this decade plus mess still employed? Making such a big mess out of a textbook situation and then lying about it for years to try to cover up the big mess they made, is substandard work and victimizes people who really need help.Just because cops have 'sovereign immunity' doesn't mean a City should just let them do this.The Schorrs did not have criminal training.Hawkins and the Ohs knew what was going on. Vacarro should not have been advising anyone. Atty.Robert Yates should not have had such influence.He was not more important than a LHP residency.Where is he now? 
It has already been stated that they will probably want to retire before LHP does anything.The Schorrs should not receive any City commendation.To be cont.
9-23-14.This residency does not know exactly where the S/Ws are or if they are reading these Blogs.If they are reading these Blogs, they should be reminded that these Blogs are as much a complaint against the City and the police who helped them harass and stalk as much as they are a complaint against them doing it. John puts up a lot of You Tube videos with explanations and videos in other formats trying to promote Lori's career and Lori puts up a facebook format to do the same. If those two are in John's old neighborhood around his relatives and friends,they are probably not acting up, plus, they would never get the police to help them up there.If Lori is not around or living with her father, there would be less reinforcement to do that. Mel Starr never stopped harassing and stalking,and stirring the others up to do that.His taunts and insults were really exasperating when I was home alone.He really reveled on what he knew he could get away with. John's insults were the same when I was alone.He could yell them them all day and no one could even tell him to be quiet or stop. And, those two aspects were far from the worst.

Mel Starr had quite a nerve moving his family into a City and expecting everyone to have to put up with the whole family's behavior.
As it turned out, he picked the right City for this.
The initial Officers had quite a nerve expecting everyone to have to put up with them enabling and protecting the S/Ws, but LHP defends its cops.To be cont...............

10-17-14.I just had right shoulder replacement Oct.2, and need back surgery.It was and is grueling.It is impossible to type at length with my left hand.The emails, BLOGS,updates have been placed on hold, but will soon continue.
10-20-14.LHP Commissioner Earl Maucker,
Re: The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era/  Head Administrator Commendation/The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era,The Dumb Years
The movement for permanent LHP City recognition/commendation for former Head Administrator,former Mayor F. Schorr, should be terminated and not pursued.
The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era was no joke and no way to run a City. 
Any City Head Administrator that allows City facilities and City law enforcement to be used to enable,protect,cover up, and clear stalking and harassment to that overtly outrageous degree and length of time, should not be rewarded.
This behavior does not deserve merit. This behavior deserves a dunce cap.It should be noted that all this went on during one of the largest antibullying campaigns in U.S. history.
The attempted cover ups were deplorable- Nothing wrong ever happened here.The  S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong. Etc.,Etc.
This residency has been family occupied since 1966. Trying to vilify, blame, lie about, and slander this residency to try to cover up the mess the City and law enforcement made out of this will never be tolerated. This residency got acutely harassed by all parties
This residency has said all along the Head Administrator's fiscal responsibility was laudable, and he did get his plaque for that. 'Ignorance in Power' is always a threat for stability and growth.The Schorrs-S/Ws Era,The Dumb Years, have already got enough, more than enough.
This belligerent, inexplicable behavior should not be rewarded. Thank you. To be cont.
This situation remains unresolved  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved. 
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.