Monday, July 28, 2014

John Watras  -trespassing with camera antics
Re:S/Ws' antics/ initial officers causing mess
Who wants the likes of John Watras lurking, trespassing, with a video camera to record the reactions to Lori Starr Watras, also trespassing,screaming lies, with her father and brother, also trespassing and taunting standing right next to her, to use as 'evidence' they were being 'bothered'? And who wants the likes of John Watras screaming for years later he had 'video' evidence of being bothered?There was nothing spoken by us when we went outside to check as that was too close to the house.Then, their cops showed up on their behalf. Sgt.Vaccaro was training. He should have known better by then to train, regarding that, at this residency as we were already really tired of being field training for Officers with little field work, which had already been really complained about.Lori Starr Watras then continued for days, for hours and hours, to scream over the backyard fence, using that incident, so we couldn't use the backyard.Then she had to admit she had lied -Civil Suit pending ramifications.This entire incident will be reblogged. The initial Officers responsible for this unnecessary bizarre mess just always got praise and awards from the City.-Hawkins/Oh policies- Vaccaro continues and trains continuing it. Why are they still working?Who was running the City? Them?



Repeat explanation on three Blogs.One repeat explantion:
6-6-11.Mayor F.Schorr, The Senior LHPPD Officers who caused the decade mess should still not be  trying to lie about it.When they lie about it, they are also lying about this residency.Please be reminded, this residency had to pay over $30,000.00 to try and stop all this.There are no LHP residents who wouldn't be complaining.Thank you.
6-4-11.Mr.Dullenkopf always gives me authorization to speak and act on his behalf to attorneys, corporations,mortgage groups, financial groups,medical facilities, businesses,etc.,as he is still trying to work approx.45hours a week,and this is time consuming stuff. This is usually verbal confirmation, written confirmation, and written legal confirmation. We've done this a lot.There have been no complaints with a lot of things being taken care of because we take care of this avenue properly.
This was also done with regard to the S/Ws situation.Is there some sort of issue about this with the LHPPD, which is a vapid excuse for any part of this mess. From the beginning and into years, Mr. Dullenkopf did complain about the S/Ws. But as with everyone else, he got nowhere.This got to be an overwhelming time consuming mess with the constant horrific harassment and the S/Ws always sending their police over here whenever they wanted.It took up all your time and you couldn't stop it. Andy was working about 50 hours a week.The S/Ws lied and complained to the police about him and yelled at and threatened him through the backyard interior fence when he wasn't even home. Sometimes I wouldn't even tell him what happened that day because all it would do was upset him and wreck the evening.This situation really made men mad and the S/Ws were always trying to get any kind of a two party confrontation which was really scary as they had the police and no one wanted to get into trouble in any kind of situation with them which is what they wanted. So,with no help from the police no matter who complained, I took over trying to deal with it and stop it so Andy could have a more normal type life and as stated, he was also trying to work. This, Andy's involvement/attempts to stop this,and then my handling this,has already been explained on the blog.
About five years into this, the S/Ws were loudly plotting on what to do about not having any 'evidence' when this residency had a lot and the Circuit Court case was looming. So,......Andy worked about ten hours that day and drove into the driveway,tired. He came into this house and the screaming started, so loud you could hear it over two TVs. I went out to look. Lori, Mark, and Mr. Starr were trespassing standing along this front driveway yelling and threatening, Lori screaming that Andy had thrown a candy box at her, and they were calling the police.I turned on the recorder.Andy went out to this driveway to look and he did look at them mad and I went out with the recorder visible and told him to go inside.We did not say anything back to them.This was obviously another one of the S/Ws setups for trouble.I did see John trespassing between the garages about three yards south of them,but didn't fully realize it at the time that he was videotaping trying to get a reaction from Andy to try to use for something.The S/Ws kept screaming even though I was holding the recorder visible. Andy and I went inside without saying anything back.The S/Ws patrol cars pulled in,Sgt. Vacarro training a new officer, and came here on the S/Ws complaint that Andy bothered them.
Now, by this time I had two recorders ready to go as the S/Ws would go back and forth from the front to the back in between the garages trespassing, screaming, and threatening us, along with their routine family fights along that route, and it was too much trouble to carry the same recorder back and forth while they were doing that. I had just, visible to them, taped the S/Ws screaming at, threatening, and taunting us,trespassing along this driveway. I was still holding that recorder and picked up the second recorder which was for the front yard when the police came here and I was still holding both recorders talking to the police.This incident, another one again,was very,very upsetting.I played the recording,just made, of the S/Ws screaming at, threatening, and taunting us, and complained about the screaming to the police. Andy also complained to the police and wanted to file a complaint.The police left. So of course, nothing was done about the S/Ws as usual. I did call the station and complain about Sgt. Vacarro bringing someone else over here to train,on behalf of the S/Ws, and not doing anything about the big picture problem with the S/Ws, a repeated known complaint. Lori spent hours and hours for days and evenings screaming, threatening, and taunting, backyard interior fence and trespassing, about that evening. Then,the S/Ws did go back to mainly their family fights for awhile, one of them being about what kind of trouble could they be in when Lori admitted that Andy never threw anything at her as they were worried about any possible cameras having caught her lying, and would this be used in court against them. But, for years after, they always yelled and taunted they had a video tape to use in court, the one John took trespassing while while the other three were trespassing along this driveway screaming, threatening, and taunting, of Andy looking mad at them in his own driveway while they were doing that. The audio for that is on the website,the same subject they were complaining to the police about that evening.
I did mention that, that evening I was talking to the police holding two recorders. They were large cassette recorders, about 12ins by5ins. by 4ins. And I did play the just made recording of the screaming, threatening, taunting S/Ws to the police. Andy did complain to the police and wanted to file a complaint. The other recorder, the one I used for the front yard luckily was still running.You can hear Andy complaining to the police. It didn't do any good.That horrific screaming, threatening, taunting banging, blasting,etc. etc. etc. along with their family fights continued for years.
Is there going to be any issue regarding the situation about Andy's involvement in trying to stop the S/Ws and my handling of it?
Please remember, this residency spent over $30,000.00 trying to stop this.
Audio for this event available on AUDIO WEBSITE


Audio Files - | Neighbor ...

Audio Files - | Neighbor ...
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family

Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family


There were,of course, no apologies for Lori lying about Andy throwing something at her or for Lori, Mel and Mark trespassing to yell, threaten, and taunt about it or Lori threatening and taunting about it for days.Their belligerent, diligent Atty. threatened to quit as he couldn't defend their 'rights' with their behavior, but he didn't. So, after Lori admitted she lied and she and Mark got in a big fight about it,the S/Ws went back to fighting among themselves with some reference about us for about a month, check dates,which was easier on us.The beginning tape is louder because the three of them are trespassing on the east side of our driveway.Andy went out to look and I went out to get him in as I knew it was a setup and they were going to call their cops and try to get a police report on their behalf for their defense.I brought the recorder.Just before Andy went out there, the S/Ws were screaming so loud, you could her them over two TVs in this  house which is why Andy went out to check as this was too close to the house.I was trying to get him back in the house as even standing there was what the S/Ws wanted. Initially he said something like 'ouh', but nothing else.I was then holding the recorder.We went inside.Lori was yelling,"Come over here.Come over her and start something!" when all four of them were on this property.They continually trespassed and harassed as routine.Then their police patrol cars came and they came to our door and the rest is described. The rest of the tape,faint, is Lori taunting at us from behind the 6 ft. backyard fence, 8 ft. off the pool and 30 ft from the house, and then, the S/Ws' typical family fights with the tape recorder in this backyard. See picture lower left.These tapes were almost always immediately available. 
The Police knew what as going on.
Why was it allowed to continue?
And why were the initial Officers, who initiated and continued those bizarre policies, still lying about it?
Trying to vilify,lie about, blame, and slander this residency to try to cover up the mess the police and the City made out off this, will not work. 

Who was running the City? -The S/Ws? - with the Sociopath's Manual on how to run people around in circles?
The S/Ws sold and moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over.
9-15-14.Why is the Hawkins/Oh/Vaccaro triad still employed?Has anyone thought to ask them what happened?
Why is the Hawkins/Oh/Vaccaro triad still employed, the S/Ws cleared, and this residency out of a lot of time and money?
Handing out any more awards to any Era Enablers, especially to a Head Administrator, is shortsighted. Thank you.
Trying to vilify,lie about, blame, and slander this residency to try to cover up the mess the police and the City made out off this, will not work. 
standard email ending:  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
Audio Files - | Neighbor ...
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. 
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. is not up yet.It is in

9-20-14.Re:John Watras/ aberrant behavior
John Watras who harassed, stalked, -bullied, threatened, screamed at,taunted, gloated, lied about,slandered, and lied to the police and demanded patrol car visits and reports for a decade plus,and participated in the family harassment and stalking,when the targeted behavior began,   did not have the genealogy of the Starrs.  It did not seem he was raised that way. Given opportunity by the LHPPD to act as such,he made all that a regular and determined routine and that aberrant behavior became inherent in his everyday behavior.He as also looking for a lawsuit for money and that was evident in his screaming about it.Most people given the opportunity and wide latitude to act like that just wouldn't do it, especially as routine for years.The S/Ws were the worst people to be given all that police enabling and protection.The many emails concerning John .Watras's behavior and antics will be reposted. He shouldn't have been covered up and cleared. LHP law enforcement and the City have a lot of explaining to do concerning the enabling, protecting,  covering  up, and clearing of John Watras and the rest of the Starrs.Where is it? Who would actually want the likes of a belligerent, juvenile John Watras after them for years ?-with bizarre protection policies?
Law enforcement and City: As previously stated,- This has not been resolved. The attitude of, 'Too bad for you if you didn't like it.', or the stated, 'Nothing wrong ever happened here'. 'The S/Ws did not and were not doing anything wrong.'does not suffice.
Where's the answers?
9-23-14.This residency does not know exactly where the S/Ws are or if they are reading these Blogs.If they are reading these Blogs, they should be reminded that these Blogs are as much a complaint against the City and the police who helped them harass and stalk as much as they are a complaint against them doing it. John puts up a lot of You Tube videos with explanations and videos in other formats trying to promote Lori's career and Lori puts up a facebook format to do the same. If those two are in John's old neighborhood around his relatives and friends,they are probably not acting up, plus, they would never get the police to help them up there.If Lori is not around or living with her father, there would be less reinforcement to do that. Mel Starr never stopped harassing and stalking,and stirring the others up to do that.His taunts and insults were really exasperating when I was home alone.He really reveled on what he knew he could get away with. John's insults were the same when I was alone.He could yell them them all day and no one could even tell him to be quiet or stop. And, those two aspects were far from the worst.
Mel Starr had quite a nerve moving his family into a City and expecting everyone to have to put up with the whole family's behavior.
As it turned out, he picked the right City for this.
The initial Officers had quite a nerve expecting everyone to have to put up with them enabling and protecting the S/Ws, but LHP defends its cops.To be cont...............

