Monday, July 28, 2014

RE:THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!REVIEWING THIS 'LAW'-July 17,2014 Atty.L.Reynolds, Attorney for Lighthouse Point,Fl., Lyman H.Reynolds Jr. ESQ of Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, argues that the police do not have to protect you. 
Lighthouse Point, Fl.Mayor G.Troast,  City Administrator J.Lavisky, Chief Ross Licata, City Atty.M Cirullo, City Clerk J.Oh
What kind of message does this send to law enforcement? There have already been too many complaints and incidents regarding law enforcement and too much fear regarding them. I have already stated: Fifty per cent of law enforcement are good people who work too hard, put up with too much, and don't get paid enough. And fifty per cent of law enforcement are too devious and dumb,-OK, unsophisticated-, to be working. And when they show up, you don't now what you are getting. And the backup, legal and financial, put in place to protect the good ones gets used up on the bad ones.
Opportunistic usage of this 'law' does not help with the above current climate or in general.
This residency is in Head Broward County Commissioner Chip Lamarca's District and Home City. What has he done about this in the past decade- Relied on hoping LHP grabs an Attorney to state anything to make all this go away?
In this particular decade plus situation, LHP law enforcement also enabled, protected, and tried to cover up really bizarre harassers and stalkers and also bizarrely harassed for an astonishing long amount of time. There are many other unethical and illegal aspects to this decade plus situation regarding the City and law enforcement.  
Grabbing an Attorney to try to glitz this over with THAT statement?  What was that Attorney thinking? He should have checked the facts. 
LHP's standard method as procedure of misinformation, underinforming and lying does not help anyone, not even LHP. But what do you expect from a City that belligerently allowed all this to happen anyway? and then tried to cover it up while continuing it -a really good professional excuse?
In the meantime, shouldn't this' law' be reviewed out before it gets used inappropriately or overused or used at all? Shouldn't it be stricken as irrelevant with healthier laws already in place for these situations There may be a really specific usage for this 'law'. However broader opportunistic usage of this is 'law' is unwieldy. It was bad enough being tried to be used here. 
Let's not have this be a precursor to more opportunists.Thank you.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. 
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. is not up yet.It is in
CC:Broward County Commissioners

8-11-14.Re:Fixing stupid messes
B.Smith for Atty. L.Reynolds and All,
This residency expects an apology and damages and reimbursement unless LHP is planning on involving and embarrassing another Firm.
Admittedly this residency did not do too well hiring the Attorney Who Flips and the Attorney Who Hoards, the second being very detrimental as it used up this residency's monetary reserve for this. People in their 50's don't expect to have to pay out over $30,000.00,out of pocket, up front, as part of their budget, to try and stop stalkers and harassers and their cops, especially living in a City that continually and with a lot of PR, touts good living. Just listen to the tapes and read about the antics. Lay people don't know what to do with a mess like this. 
But Law Firms, supposedly intellectual or supposedly having intellectual contacts, should do better with this mess than glitzing out insulting, insipid retorts.A Law Firm should be able to fix and settle a mess like this and advise its Clients never to do anything this stupid again, especially the really dumb attempts at cover ups.
8-11-14.B. Smith forAtty.L.Reynolds Re:What You Don't Know
Please be reminded, the police were on salary to enable and protect the S/W and to harass this residency on their behalf.We had to defend and try to protect this residency on our own time.Also,Code Enforcement was on salary. See  for the fence fiascoes and the trouble this residency had just trying to keep the S/Ws from trespassing while harassing and stalking. Exact email dates can be sent.Most of the situations were unbelievable starting with the LHP Police Policies made up at the beginning enabling the S/Ws. Also, what's with trying to use the time limitations excuse? The S/Ws didn't leave until Jan.2012.That was hefty and effective leverage and it was months after they left before we felt somewhat assured they wouldn't continue from outside the City.It's not a good idea to stick your legal career out there to defend LHP. There was too much unethical and illegal activities and the people who did it are still trying to protect themselves- with you.The wide audience emailing started at the beginning of the NINTH year of all this trying to get help from anywhere, and they are all recorded on the Blogs.This was all widely read in Broward county. Again, don't stick your legal career out there with glib statements as a lot of people know a lot more than you.The people who caused this mess just want any Attorney to say anything to get them out of this. And, they hope this residency can't afford to fight back.They didn't count on the internet.
This residency expects an apology and damages and reimbursement. Thank you.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. 
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.  
 Show message history is not up yet.It is in

8-12-14.Re:Becky Smith, Atty.Lyman Reynolds/Firm still representing  LHP?
Becky Smith, Legal Assistant for Atty.Lyman Reynolds,
Atty.Lyman Reynolds,
Is this Firm still representing  LHP?
This residency still expects an apology and damages and reimbursement.
Eventually, there will be a filed suit where all the aspects will be included. This one particular aspect being slammed that way did not make anybody happy.
There is no residency that would not be still complaining. You would still be complaining.
The one good thing is the S/Ws moved Jan.2012, so that leverage is off this residency.Thank you.To be cont.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. is not up yet.It is in  www.LHPResponds.blogspot.com8-13-14.Re:Wasteful deep pocket
8-13-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, J.Oh,
This residency does not appreciate LHP running to Attorneys,not telling Attorneys the truth,and thereby causing Attorneys to come up with a flimsy attempts at excuse. LHP has the deep pocket to keep doing this.This residency does not have that deep pocket. No residency does, or wants to keep wasting money like that.
The only good thing in the decade plus mess is that the S/Ws moved at the beginning of Jan.2012, and that leverage is gone. 
The rest was a complete waste of life, perpetrated by juvenile belligerency with a devious sense of being invincible. 
The S/Ws and the initial Officers who caused this mess with those bizarre police policies are not in any way worth all this grief.There should have been some logical priorities. 
That, 'We handle it the Head Administrator Schorr way.' era is supposed to be over.It is still unclear why the Schorrs just wouldn't help this residency. They left a mess, except for the S/Ws and the initial Officers who caused this mess with those bizarre police policies, and the others who continued it  - because for some goofy, agenda based reason, that was the way it had to be.
This continuation also does not help new Attorneys who have no idea what they're getting into. 
LHP should have and should be doing better with this.That same juvenile belligerency with a devious sense of being invincible by the initiators should be over, deep pocket or not.
How long does a new Head Administrator have to pay tactic homage to the former Head Administrators? The former just look like self absorbed cuckoos keeping a City running around in circles nuts like that for years.Tally up the incidents, one after another,for years and years. You can be sure the people stuck putting up with all of them have.There are no residencies that would not be still complaining.To be cont.
Note: There are a  lot of side effects from the incidents. Remember that big  meeting at the Krutek, Jack and Bim, residency with all the women after I finally to dared to complain about the Jack Krutek involvement? the very end of the ninth year of the targeted harassment and stalking-check date-Not one person from that ever said to this residency,''What a shame you are having all that trouble." For some cuckoo reason, all that trouble was supposed to be OK, because the people running the City wanted it that way. That's crazy and a hard reality to try to alter and to keep up no matter how diligent the Lighthouse Groupies were.Why were the initial cops so protected?
The first and only time I ever spoke to Lorraine Schorr, the Mayor's wife, was when she  drove over here in her C.O.P.patrol car and in her C.O,P, uniform and and announced "Well, you should have moved!" This was after the first five and a half really horrific years, intolerable by anyone's standards, of police protected stalking and harassment, when I finally had appealed to the Commissioners for help. I,first, had appealed to Commissioner Sandy Johnson, Lorraine's good friend. We all know how that went.
I started wide audience emailing at the  beginning of the ninth year for help from anywhere. That women's meeting at Jack and Bim Kruteks was at the very end of the ninth year.Jack and Bim Krutek are the longest dwelling resident neighbors witnessing the S/Ws behavior and antics for years before this residency was targeted by them. Lorraine,Sandy and Bim were good friends and did everything together.I didn't know all that at the time.
All his has already been emailed and blogged.However,it is a lot for new readers to absorb all at once, so from time to time,I refresh some details..
With regard to the decade plus mess,it seems as if dumb,devious cops, the initial police policy making cops, were then telling dumber people what to do, to cover for themselves.I always asked and am again, WHO WAS RUNNING THE CITY?
It isn't a good idea not to tell attorneys the truth.The facts eventually do come out.To be Cont. STANDARD EMAIL ENDING
Re:Is Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, still representing LHP?THere are many more questions.If not, who is ? Thank you.
Stated:Re:The police do not have to protect you- Insufficient excuse for the entire decade plus situation.
The LHP Decade Plus mess still seems like bad police and City work with LHP now groping around to find any excuse.
The Lighthouse Point Police Policies -Hawkins/Oh- made up and instated at the beginning and consistent for the decade plus: The S/Ws can harass, stalk, trespass, bang, threaten, blast, use repetitive noise harassment, etc., etc., etc., against any and all people on this property for hours and hours as routine method. However, if anyone looks at them the S/Ws can call for patrol cars because the S/Ws say staring is stalking. Result:These patrol cars then harass this residency on the S/Ws' behalf and this residency gets no help with the the over the top deliberate targeted harassment and stalking of the S/Ws and the S/Ws use this as a harassment method, and threaten and taunt they can, will, and did.
What is the legal statement protecting this?
This was the constant excuse of the S/Ws-that people look at them. At the beginning, Lori even ran out when she heard Andy mowing the lawn to scream Andy was harassing her and she brought out her mother as her witness and she got two patrol cars right over to our residency. We actually didn't even see her until she screamed so loud you couldn't help but look.
What is the legal statement protecting this?
There are many more of these bizarre antics by the S/Ws, and the police, and the City.Even after the S/Ws sold and moved, Mr. Starr came back to talk to the new owner. He sat in the backyard and when I came out to go in our backyard by our pool, he said to the new owner. "You have to be careful.Gail will come out and look at you.'', more than likely so I would have to hear it again.The S/Ws were very confident using this method of excuse for the decade plus.
Again,what is the legal statement protecting this?
What are  the legal statements protecting the bizarre antics by the S/Ws, and the police, and the City for all those years? To be cont.THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU. -INSUFFICIENT EXCUSE FOR THE ENTIRE DECADE PLUS SITUATION. STANDARD EMAIL ENDING
8-18-14.Re:Filing/unique LHP
Sometime this week,we are filing a complaint with the Bar Assoc. regarding Howard Orner. The Bar wants to help with the filing.When you are that desperate,anyone looks good,and any little bit of help seems like a big deal.This also brings up the point as to why were we so desperate, and how did this get so out of control. LHP's dealings with Attorneys and legal issues are questioned. I certainly don't know why LHP did what it did.It is completely not understandable. At least LHP is unique in the sense of making a big mess no one could ever think of. Really unique.The S/Ws moved Jan.2012and that leverage is over.It took about two years of the S/Ws being gone to feel mostly reassured that part was over and the City wouldn't at least overtly act up with their own harassment or backlash.That was hefty and effective leverage.To be cont. See WWW.LHPSREPONDS.BLOGSPOT.COM RE:HOWARD...... he wants $4,572.40 total for what he 'did'.Last page this blog for rest.