9-20-14.Re:John Watras/ aberrant behavior
John Watras who harassed, stalked, -bullied, threatened, screamed at,taunted, gloated, lied about,slandered, and lied to the police and demanded patrol car visits and reports for a decade plus,and participated in the family harassment and stalking,when the targeted behavior began, did not have the genealogy of the Starrs. It did not seem he was raised that way. Given opportunity by the LHPPD to act as such,he made all that a regular and determined routine and that aberrant behavior became inherent in his everyday behavior.He as also looking for a lawsuit for money and that was evident in his screaming about it.Most people given the opportunity and wide latitude to act like that just wouldn't do it, especially as routine for years.The S/Ws were the worst people to be given all that police enabling and protection.The many emails concerning John Watras's behavior and antics will be reposted. He shouldn't have been covered up and cleared. LHP law enforcement and the City have a lot of explaining to do concerning the enabling, protecting, covering up, and clearing of John Watras and the rest of the Starrs. Where is it? Who would actually want the likes of a belligerent, juvenile John Watras after them for years ?-with bizarre protection policies?
Law enforcement and City: As previously stated,- This has not been resolved. The attitude of, 'Too bad for you if you didn't like it.', or the stated, 'Nothing wrong ever happened here'. 'The S/Ws did not and were not doing anything wrong.'does not suffice.Where's the answers?
Audio Files - lighthousepointflorida.net | Neighbor ...
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
FOR EASIER ACCESSIBILITY www.lighthousepointflorida.net Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
CORRECTED AUDIO EXPLANATION:5-25-04: 5-25 family fight/ 5-27 taunts and' screech singing'/ 5-17 taunts and lies/ 5-05 family fight/ 5-14,17 taunts while 'screech singing'/ There is more of this on the other segments CORRECTED AUDIO EXPLANATION
(3-09.emailing/blogging date)
/Explanation:Not one of the worst episodes:example of 'screech singing' : The S/Ws had had one of their horrible fights inside the main house and Lori had broken a window on their backyard main house,that window closest to this residency,the banging on the glass and window loud and audible.Insert date,8-13-04,8-15-04,audio website.They were then outside and continuing the argument while Mr.Starr was fixing the window,drill,and Lori proceeded to yell at and about this residency at the interior fence in spurts,not the worst incident,but typical.8-17,18-04.Typical deliberate 'screech singing' to harass,not at their other east or south fences.Lori added a device to make a squeaky sound with it./
/6-14-04 is very typical. 6P.M.-midnight There was no one to call then to stop any of this.The S/Ws had Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh protection.We were really stuck with this.Andy wasn't even home for half of it.I was home alone./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/ 2008-098 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.
FOR EASIER ACCESSIBILITY www.lighthousepointflorida.net Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
4-7-14 Too much work/Explanations of Audio Files
4-7-14. This was all too much work. No residency should have to go through all this.
Explanations of Audio Files www.lighthousepointflorida.net
There is a six second overlap on 6-29-02.It is not on the original tape or the master tape. On 5-05-04, I say 5-025-05 in the intro. It is 5-25-04. All these tapes were made for the Court format.They were put up quickly on the website trying to get necessary help from anywhere.There are more.
The longer written descriptions of the incidents regarding the audio are available for reposting and resending. Below are repeat emails from 7-25-09 and 3-09 www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com - last page when clicking in starting with 'I complained to Chief Licata many times before and after the Injunction......'.
Lori's fits were controllable and used as method which she could immediately turn on and off when she wanted. This may only not be the case when she was in the heat of a family argument interacting with her family as participants.
The 5-25-04 Audio. If there is any confusion over the sociopathic description, listen to Lori talking and taunting.the screaming, banging, blasting, etc., was intolerable, but this part also was intolerable.It's important that this part of the harassment is noticed and listened to as it is part of the total situation of what was being dealt with.
6-28-02.VeryBad.Loriblastsradio.pingpingtape,andtalksand chants.,8yr.oldinpool,4-8-pm.fence,backyard,Lori'sbigfit,John blamesus 6-29-02.VeryBad.Loriblastsradio,3kidsin pool,company,1-4pm.5-10pm.recorderisnexttokidsatpool,sokidsloud.Lori'sradiois approx30ft.away.fence,backyard |
Subject: Fw: AUDIO FILE COPY 6-14-04 5-25-04
6-12-04.typicalfamlyfight,Lorimadatmother,faint,AC 614-04.Typical,verybad,6pm-midnite- 6-14-04.bad,Lori,atus,fence,backyard,lies,threatens,taunts. 8,-10pm.familyfightbackyard,Lorimadatmother, screaming,banging,fence,atus,lies,threatens,taunts.,saysgetmemyf----gun,mocks me"-leftalone"-&bangs 6pm.atme/us,fence,backyard,spraysyard,lies,threatens,taunts= 6-19-04Lori,atme/us,fence,lies,threatens 6-21-04Lori,atme/us,backyard,fence 6-21-04delib.,harass.singing,backyard,fence |
CORRECTION: INTRO: I incorrectly said 5-25-05- five, not 5-25-04 -four/Lori sings with Mark/5-17-04 'You're gonna lose your case.'/
CORRECTED AUDIO EXPLANATION:5-25-04: 5-25 family fight/ 5-27 taunts and' screech singing'/ 5-17 taunts and lies/ 5-05 family fight/ 5-14,17 taunts while 'screech singing'/ There is more of this on the other segments CORRECTED AUDIO EXPLANATION
4-20-04.4-8-04.5-25-04.5-27-04 4-20-4.4-8-04 4-20-04.Loritalks,threatens,tauntstomusicatme,in backyard,approx,4hrs,partisontapesoshecanplayitandgo inside,AC.faint 4-18-04:LoriandLoriontape,backyard,1hr.,8:30pm 4-08-2004:2:30am,longfamilyfight,banging,shrieking, controlledact?Lorigoesintofrontyard,backyard,faint |
(7-25-10.email/blogging date).
Anyone still arguing that the S/Ws and their law enfor. should have been cleared and allowed to continue for a decade should consider their position while listening to the audio. 6-14-04 is typical. Andy had tried to move the portable sprinklers on the north and west side of this property, not the interior strip between the property, and Lori decided to start lying that he had chased her down the road. At least the neighbor across the street didn't lie about that for them. Lori screams, bangs, threatens, trespasses,and taunts.She refers to 'that Detective' who shouldn't been urging her on by covering for them She sprays this backyard.The singing at the end of that tape isn't the really bad 'screech singing' she did for hours.That is on other tapes The six foot shadowbox backyard interior fence was a good barrier for her to go back and forth to and stand right up to to harass,when she wasn't trespassing to do it. All this and all the antics of all the S/Ws was protected and cleared by the Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias policies for over five and one half years and then later by the Chief for over three.The Atty.E Bruce Johnson argument the the city is not responsible for the negligent act of govt. workers just served to keep the S/Ws and their law enfor.cleared and continuing There are better things to do than to spend all that time and $30,000.00 trying to stop the S/Ws and their law enfor.,while putting up with it. The only thing that worked,works are the emailings, website, blog, and sending the documents.None of that should have been necessary This should have been handled in a maximum of six months.
Anyone still arguing that the S/Ws and their law enfor. should have been cleared and allowed to continue for a decade should consider their position while listening to the audio. 6-14-04 is typical. Andy had tried to move the portable sprinklers on the north and west side of this property, not the interior strip between the property, and Lori decided to start lying that he had chased her down the road. At least the neighbor across the street didn't lie about that for them. Lori screams, bangs, threatens, trespasses,and taunts.She refers to 'that Detective' who shouldn't been urging her on by covering for them She sprays this backyard.The singing at the end of that tape isn't the really bad 'screech singing' she did for hours.That is on other tapes The six foot shadowbox backyard interior fence was a good barrier for her to go back and forth to and stand right up to to harass,when she wasn't trespassing to do it. All this and all the antics of all the S/Ws was protected and cleared by the Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias policies for over five and one half years and then later by the Chief for over three.The Atty.E Bruce Johnson argument the the city is not responsible for the negligent act of govt. workers just served to keep the S/Ws and their law enfor.cleared and continuing There are better things to do than to spend all that time and $30,000.00 trying to stop the S/Ws and their law enfor.,while putting up with it. The only thing that worked,works are the emailings, website, blog, and sending the documents.None of that should have been necessary This should have been handled in a maximum of six months.
6-28-02 is typical, but not the worst,of the deliberate, made blasting, repetitive tape/cd/radio/noise harassment technique. Lori simultaneously blasts the made 'ping ping' tapes, an ethnic radio station, and taunts.-She also made tapes of her taunting,some set to music so she didn't have to come outside to do it herself- She then has her fake, controlled, hysterical fit to blame us and John does yell and blame us.
Then,the S/Ws 'continuing usual harassment was to send patrol cars over here to say we were harassing them, so on top of putting up with whatever the S/Ws wanted to do,we had to put up with their patrol cars and we never knew when they would be showing up as we had no control over the reasons they would show up. 6-29-02.We are trying to barbecue and use the pool with adults and children here.The S/Ws deliberately really blast an ethnic radio station.The children seem loud but the tape recorder is only 1-2 feet away from them.
This made cd/noise repetitive harassment technique was used extensively fort the entire holiday season 07 and for all of 08, that intolerable repetitive part really focused on, used with an instated Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction to stop and prevent it, while the S/Ws gloated they couldn't be stopped.
The S/Ws and their law enfor.were cleared and continued for the first five and one half years, Hawkins/Oh/ComLias. policies and then for over three years by the Chief, and still are,so they can just start up again, Good leverage for daring to complain about all this.
Again, anyone still arguing that the S/Ws and their law enfor. should have been cleared and allowed to continue for over a decade should really pay attention. The whitewashes don't suffice.These are only a few of the routine incidents. cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog.
(3-09.emailing/blogging date)
/Explanation:Not one of the worst episodes:example of 'screech singing' : The S/Ws had had one of their horrible fights inside the main house and Lori had broken a window on their backyard main house,that window closest to this residency,the banging on the glass and window loud and audible.Insert date,8-13-04,8-15-04,audio website.They were then outside and continuing the argument while Mr.Starr was fixing the window,drill,and Lori proceeded to yell at and about this residency at the interior fence in spurts,not the worst incident,but typical.8-17,18-04.Typical deliberate 'screech singing' to harass,not at their other east or south fences.Lori added a device to make a squeaky sound with it./
/6-14-04 is very typical. 6P.M.-midnight There was no one to call then to stop any of this.The S/Ws had Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh protection.We were really stuck with this.Andy wasn't even home for half of it.I was home alone./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/ 2008-098 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.
/The S/Ws usually shut down about 11P.M.and there was a reprieve when it was raining or thundering,but there were exceptions.One unbelievable and very alarming night,1-2 A.M.,we were woken up by this,during one of the loudest rainstorms we've had,there was some sort of family argument and Lori came out to smash this interior fence, lie, scream, etc.,etc.,and Mr.Starr came out to act surprised about it.John was outside with her.
I guess the theory is,that if you yell you're innocent while you're doing what you're accused of, you can keep on doing it.She/they already had carte blanc from Com.Lia.,/Hawkins/Oh to do this anyway.When things were really horrific and loud,Mr.Starr would make it a point to act surprised about it happening,especially is he thought there would be a lot of witnesses or evidence,even though he stood next to her while she was doing it,sent her out to do it,or encouraged her to do it,over,and over,and over.This episode was bad and memorable.
This continued the next morning,Lori at this interior fence,yelling,banging,and lying at and about me,mad about the lawsuit to stop her/them,trying to make my complaints hers,a regular practice..
Their really bad family fights continued,Lori mad at her mother,a standard family argument issue,and then a big one.There is a difference between Lori mad at her mother and Lori coming after me.Explanations are with the audio,some sufficient..
Segment 2-01-04 is grueling and difficult to listen to,but a regular occurence.
cc: www.aseahore1.blogspot.com/ 2008-09 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.net/
(Added.3-09.email/blogging date)
/Lori had protection from the beginning,Com.Lias./Hawkins,to scream at and threaten this residency which she used as a threat to do whenever and at whomever she wanted, actually announcing that she would just scream.She could start this and stop this whenever she wanted at her convenience .Det L.Hawkins told us that 'once Lori started screaming,she couldn't stop' , as excuse for this. Exactly what kind of detective work was that? Maybe it was true in the middle if their long, bad, heated family fights,but it was not true for the daily outbursts at this residency at her convenience.Plus the banging.Plus trespassing to do it.Lori had gotten a part time job and in between shifts,she would come home and yell at this residency and then go back to work as a pattern.She knew she could and did.
Then the three men did it more.They knew they could and did, trespassing to do it.For years,they yelled, threatened,and taunted,and trespassed, trying to get anyone on this property to reply to try to say it was a two party argument.This was outrageous, unstoppable policy which was instructed to continue and did. Det L.Hawkins was out of control.He might have been advised,not now verifiable,early on,not by Oh,that he could get suspended for all that.It didn't stop him./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/ 2008-09 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.net/
/While C.C.Marchitello was acting Chief of Police,the continual,routine,overt harassment and stalking by the S/Ws toward this residency stopped.I just sent him an email reminding him I remembered this,that the thank you message to him was still on the website,segment 8-03-03,and thanked him.The S/Ws' bad, audible,screaming family fights with references to this residency still went on during this,very unnerving and unpleasant,but the overt attacks ceased. The S/Ws were controllable. Com.Lia. was not controllable.
/There is a lot of audio and incidents that haven't been written up yet for the website explanations That's coming.Final editing is on the blogspot not on the emails./
/ Det.L.Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh were both named Ofcs.of the Year,during one of the worst years of this,for helping to set up C.O.P.S/.
/Lori's deliberate 'screech singing' for hours,for years,in general and at this residency and with verses about this residency,with company and children here,at anytime up to about 11P.M.,intolerable, filling in the spaces between the harassing and stalking,cannot be minimized. She did not do this right up to the S/Ws' east or south fences.There's a lot of this on the web audio along with her singing regularly to show she could do that,but hours of that is also not pleasant with her choice iof verses.Lori and John have their own studio apt.where she could have done this inside but that was not the obvious objective. The S/Ws knew what she was doing this.Bedsides standing right up to the interior fence,she also put on a floating device and did it at the deepest end of their pool closest to this residency.Insert dates.Ex.Segment8-13-04,end,with 'squeeky' device..
For 2008, this was extensively replaced by the cd technique,the"issue cd",and the made cds. cc :www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
Lori would also 'screech' read and read in regular tones for hours to harass,not at their south or east fences.Lori woud also talk at,talk about,threaten,and taunt this residency for hours,and at at the interior fence,one time for over eight hours.There is not much of the "'screech' reading on the audio web as there were bigger issues to put up,but there is the 'talk taunting'. Insert dates.Lori actually made a tape of her 'talk taunting' set to music so she could put it on to harass without having to be outside with it to do it herself. Insert dates.
For a while,Lori did position herself at the southern most part of this interior fence to do this so the new owner,corner lot, would have to hear her going on about us while he was trying to work in his yard.He had already called the police about their horrific family fights while he was trying to have company and children in his yard,but it did no good as the S/Ws had Com/Lia.This may have been a payback.There was always payback for complaining.When he stopped working there,she stopped standing way back there and went back to her usual positioning.When he complained,it was the S/Ws' typical family fight,I didn't have anything to do with that call,and didn't even know about it until he told me later.He was gone a lot and just stopped trying to stop it.All this with three owners complaining about the S/Ws,starting before they targeted this residency,has been explained and previously written
The S/Ws just continued to harass this residency at the interior fence,usually about 1/3 south of the garages where it was easiest to run up to the fence going back and forth between their two houses instead of going all around their pool to get to the fence, and always between the garages,trespassing,extending north toward 35th Ct.between the north driveways./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
Note:A lot of the information,dates,etc.,is on the tapes which is a problem because they have to be played for accuracy and I don't want to hear it again, but,also,because from the beginning,the S/Ws would complain if they heard any of the tapes, which was really hard to avoid with them hugging the interior fence and with any one of them going in and out at any time, and with them especially trying to hear any of it so they could complain and try and get a patrol car.This was really hard when I had to make all the copies trying to get help and for the attys.and court,three sets are the minimum there.They had to be checked to make sure they were recorded properly and there were a lot and there still are a lot more not on the audio website.Hours of work.I never did this before,did not have the best equipment,and didn't even know what the best equipment was.I had to set this up in the west room of the house and check to see if the S/Ws weren't home, let alone not in their backyard.There would be immediate retaliation,more screaming,etc.,the usual procedure anyway,plus complaints and worrying about patrol visits as the S/Ws said it "harassed' them.It was so much easier to put the tapes on the website,but I still have to be careful about checking them and was,even when Lori was blasting this residency with the "issue cd",still now making sure there's no one in their backyard,bad memories about it.Their atty.brought it up briefly at deposition and I briefly told him the situation and he didn't bring it up again.There are some things even he won't do and he really played out of the boundaries.Then we got a really good atty.to end all this.It didn't end in LHP.Com.Lias.had too much power.That's another story.
This is just one more example of the S/Ws' outrageous behavior and demands.
Absolutely no regard for the fact they did it,and it had to be heard,there was no way to stop it,but complaining that hearing any part of it no matter how short 'harassed them and they wanted backup.
Anyway,that's why all the dates aren't inserted yet and why all the audio hasn't been fully explained. It's not pleasant anyway to relive all this and there was that problem trying to do it.The S/Ws are a lot of work. cc:www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
/More explanations of incidents and audio website:
/The harassing ,deliberate made 'bongo drum beat tapes' with her on them,end of audio segment,1-26-03, and continuing on to audio segment,2-03,were really intolerable,blasting continually starting at two hour streatches, deliberately left on outside with no one in their yard at any time of the day or evening,although she did blast one time at 2A.M.This could be heard onto three streets Lori and John had their own studio apt if they wanted to hear this,but that was obviously not the objective Lori also chanted at and about this residency on them.Later,Lori also chanted on them,"I can rock 'til 6 o'clock."over and over.I don't know why she added that,she could do it whenever she wanted and did.Maybe Mr.Starr wanted to use the backyard when he came home,or someone in the city,with the S/Ws' atty's.input,said she could do that, just turn it off at 6P.M.This was then switched to another harassment technique. Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh era.
Note: Lori also did come into their backyard to beat on the bongos while chanting,threatening,yelling,talking about or at this residency,etc.,in person,whenever she wanted to.The made tapes were for her convenience whenever she didn't want to do it herself and to continually harass.She also yelled,threatened,talked at this residency,etc. in person ,with made tapes already on,or in the background,or together with, for a bigger effect.Insert dates.Audio web.
The rest on these two audio segments is grueling and difficult to listen to.Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh. era Initially,Det.L.Hawkins worked for code enfor.
The 2-03 segment written in expl. has 4,14,20,23,24,at 04.It is 03.There are grammatical errors and needed date corrections on the original website.I never went in and out of it after it was put up so as not to disturb anything as I didn't have that much internet savvy,and this with the audio was an expensive endeavor.The S/Ws are a lot of work./
All final editing done on the blogspot.cc:www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/2008-08 link towww.lighthousepointflorida.net/
I guess the theory is,that if you yell you're innocent while you're doing what you're accused of, you can keep on doing it.She/they already had carte blanc from Com.Lia.,/Hawkins/Oh to do this anyway.When things were really horrific and loud,Mr.Starr would make it a point to act surprised about it happening,especially is he thought there would be a lot of witnesses or evidence,even though he stood next to her while she was doing it,sent her out to do it,or encouraged her to do it,over,and over,and over.This episode was bad and memorable.
This continued the next morning,Lori at this interior fence,yelling,banging,and lying at and about me,mad about the lawsuit to stop her/them,trying to make my complaints hers,a regular practice..
Their really bad family fights continued,Lori mad at her mother,a standard family argument issue,and then a big one.There is a difference between Lori mad at her mother and Lori coming after me.Explanations are with the audio,some sufficient..
Segment 2-01-04 is grueling and difficult to listen to,but a regular occurence.
cc: www.aseahore1.blogspot.com/ 2008-09 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.net/
(Added.3-09.email/blogging date)
/Lori had protection from the beginning,Com.Lias./Hawkins,to scream at and threaten this residency which she used as a threat to do whenever and at whomever she wanted, actually announcing that she would just scream.She could start this and stop this whenever she wanted at her convenience .Det L.Hawkins told us that 'once Lori started screaming,she couldn't stop' , as excuse for this. Exactly what kind of detective work was that? Maybe it was true in the middle if their long, bad, heated family fights,but it was not true for the daily outbursts at this residency at her convenience.Plus the banging.Plus trespassing to do it.Lori had gotten a part time job and in between shifts,she would come home and yell at this residency and then go back to work as a pattern.She knew she could and did.
Then the three men did it more.They knew they could and did, trespassing to do it.For years,they yelled, threatened,and taunted,and trespassed, trying to get anyone on this property to reply to try to say it was a two party argument.This was outrageous, unstoppable policy which was instructed to continue and did. Det L.Hawkins was out of control.He might have been advised,not now verifiable,early on,not by Oh,that he could get suspended for all that.It didn't stop him./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/ 2008-09 link to www.lighthousepointflorida.net/
/While C.C.Marchitello was acting Chief of Police,the continual,routine,overt harassment and stalking by the S/Ws toward this residency stopped.I just sent him an email reminding him I remembered this,that the thank you message to him was still on the website,segment 8-03-03,and thanked him.The S/Ws' bad, audible,screaming family fights with references to this residency still went on during this,very unnerving and unpleasant,but the overt attacks ceased. The S/Ws were controllable. Com.Lia. was not controllable.
/There is a lot of audio and incidents that haven't been written up yet for the website explanations That's coming.Final editing is on the blogspot not on the emails./
/ Det.L.Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh were both named Ofcs.of the Year,during one of the worst years of this,for helping to set up C.O.P.S/.
/Lori's deliberate 'screech singing' for hours,for years,in general and at this residency and with verses about this residency,with company and children here,at anytime up to about 11P.M.,intolerable, filling in the spaces between the harassing and stalking,cannot be minimized. She did not do this right up to the S/Ws' east or south fences.There's a lot of this on the web audio along with her singing regularly to show she could do that,but hours of that is also not pleasant with her choice iof verses.Lori and John have their own studio apt.where she could have done this inside but that was not the obvious objective. The S/Ws knew what she was doing this.Bedsides standing right up to the interior fence,she also put on a floating device and did it at the deepest end of their pool closest to this residency.Insert dates.Ex.Segment8-13-04,end,with 'squeeky' device..
For 2008, this was extensively replaced by the cd technique,the"issue cd",and the made cds. cc :www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
Lori would also 'screech' read and read in regular tones for hours to harass,not at their south or east fences.Lori woud also talk at,talk about,threaten,and taunt this residency for hours,and at at the interior fence,one time for over eight hours.There is not much of the "'screech' reading on the audio web as there were bigger issues to put up,but there is the 'talk taunting'. Insert dates.Lori actually made a tape of her 'talk taunting' set to music so she could put it on to harass without having to be outside with it to do it herself. Insert dates.
For a while,Lori did position herself at the southern most part of this interior fence to do this so the new owner,corner lot, would have to hear her going on about us while he was trying to work in his yard.He had already called the police about their horrific family fights while he was trying to have company and children in his yard,but it did no good as the S/Ws had Com/Lia.This may have been a payback.There was always payback for complaining.When he stopped working there,she stopped standing way back there and went back to her usual positioning.When he complained,it was the S/Ws' typical family fight,I didn't have anything to do with that call,and didn't even know about it until he told me later.He was gone a lot and just stopped trying to stop it.All this with three owners complaining about the S/Ws,starting before they targeted this residency,has been explained and previously written
The S/Ws just continued to harass this residency at the interior fence,usually about 1/3 south of the garages where it was easiest to run up to the fence going back and forth between their two houses instead of going all around their pool to get to the fence, and always between the garages,trespassing,extending north toward 35th Ct.between the north driveways./
cc: www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
Note:A lot of the information,dates,etc.,is on the tapes which is a problem because they have to be played for accuracy and I don't want to hear it again, but,also,because from the beginning,the S/Ws would complain if they heard any of the tapes, which was really hard to avoid with them hugging the interior fence and with any one of them going in and out at any time, and with them especially trying to hear any of it so they could complain and try and get a patrol car.This was really hard when I had to make all the copies trying to get help and for the attys.and court,three sets are the minimum there.They had to be checked to make sure they were recorded properly and there were a lot and there still are a lot more not on the audio website.Hours of work.I never did this before,did not have the best equipment,and didn't even know what the best equipment was.I had to set this up in the west room of the house and check to see if the S/Ws weren't home, let alone not in their backyard.There would be immediate retaliation,more screaming,etc.,the usual procedure anyway,plus complaints and worrying about patrol visits as the S/Ws said it "harassed' them.It was so much easier to put the tapes on the website,but I still have to be careful about checking them and was,even when Lori was blasting this residency with the "issue cd",still now making sure there's no one in their backyard,bad memories about it.Their atty.brought it up briefly at deposition and I briefly told him the situation and he didn't bring it up again.There are some things even he won't do and he really played out of the boundaries.Then we got a really good atty.to end all this.It didn't end in LHP.Com.Lias.had too much power.That's another story.
This is just one more example of the S/Ws' outrageous behavior and demands.
Absolutely no regard for the fact they did it,and it had to be heard,there was no way to stop it,but complaining that hearing any part of it no matter how short 'harassed them and they wanted backup.
Anyway,that's why all the dates aren't inserted yet and why all the audio hasn't been fully explained. It's not pleasant anyway to relive all this and there was that problem trying to do it.The S/Ws are a lot of work. cc:www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/
/More explanations of incidents and audio website:
/The harassing ,deliberate made 'bongo drum beat tapes' with her on them,end of audio segment,1-26-03, and continuing on to audio segment,2-03,were really intolerable,blasting continually starting at two hour streatches, deliberately left on outside with no one in their yard at any time of the day or evening,although she did blast one time at 2A.M.This could be heard onto three streets Lori and John had their own studio apt if they wanted to hear this,but that was obviously not the objective Lori also chanted at and about this residency on them.Later,Lori also chanted on them,"I can rock 'til 6 o'clock."over and over.I don't know why she added that,she could do it whenever she wanted and did.Maybe Mr.Starr wanted to use the backyard when he came home,or someone in the city,with the S/Ws' atty's.input,said she could do that, just turn it off at 6P.M.This was then switched to another harassment technique. Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh era.
Note: Lori also did come into their backyard to beat on the bongos while chanting,threatening,yelling,talking about or at this residency,etc.,in person,whenever she wanted to.The made tapes were for her convenience whenever she didn't want to do it herself and to continually harass.She also yelled,threatened,talked at this residency,etc. in person ,with made tapes already on,or in the background,or together with, for a bigger effect.Insert dates.Audio web.
The rest on these two audio segments is grueling and difficult to listen to.Com.Lias./Hawkins/Oh. era Initially,Det.L.Hawkins worked for code enfor.
The 2-03 segment written in expl. has 4,14,20,23,24,at 04.It is 03.There are grammatical errors and needed date corrections on the original website.I never went in and out of it after it was put up so as not to disturb anything as I didn't have that much internet savvy,and this with the audio was an expensive endeavor.The S/Ws are a lot of work./
All final editing done on the blogspot.cc:www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/2008-08 link towww.lighthousepointflorida.net/