Monday, July 28, 2014

OCTOBER 2014/  The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era,The Dumb Years
10-17-14.I just had right shoulder replacement Oct.2, and need back surgery.It was and is grueling.It is impossible to type at length with my left hand.The emails, BLOGS,updates have been placed on hold, but will soon continue.
10-20-14.LHP Commissioner Earl Maucker,
Re: The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era/  Head Administrator Commendation/The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era,The Dumb Years
The movement for permanent LHP City recognition/commendation for former Head Administrator,former Mayor F. Schorr, should be terminated and not pursued.
The Schorrs-S/Ws Decade Plus Era was no joke and no way to run a City. 
Any City Head Administrator that allows City facilities and City law enforcement to be used to enable,protect,cover up, and clear stalking and harassment to that overtly outrageous degree and length of time, should not be rewarded.
This behavior does not deserve merit. This behavior deserves a dunce cap.It should be noted that all this went on during one of the largest antibullying campaigns in U.S. history.
The attempted cover ups were deplorable- Nothing wrong ever happened here.The  S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong. Etc.,Etc.
This residency has been family occupied since 1966. Trying to vilify, blame, lie about, and slander this residency to try to cover up the mess the City and law enforcement made out of this will never be tolerated. This residency got acutely harassed by all parties
This residency has said all along the Head Administrator's fiscal responsibility was laudable, and he did get his plaque for that. 'Ignorance in Power' is always a threat for stability and growth.The Schorrs-S/Ws Era,The Dumb Years, have already got enough, more than enough.
This belligerent, inexplicable behavior should not be rewarded. Thank you. To be cont.
This situation remains unresolved  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
Note:This is just the first five and 1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved. 
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
9-23-14.This residency does not know exactly where the S/Ws are or if they are reading these Blogs.If they are reading these Blogs, they should be reminded that these Blogs are as much a complaint against the City and the police who helped them harass and stalk as much as they are a complaint against them doing it. John puts up a lot of You Tube videos with explanations and videos in other formats trying to promote Lori's career and Lori puts up a facebook format to do the same. If those two are in John's old neighborhood around his relatives and friends,they are probably not acting up, plus, they would never get the police to help them up there.If Lori is not around or living with her father, there would be less reinforcement to do that. Mel Starr never stopped harassing and stalking,and stirring the others up to do that.His taunts and insults were really exasperating when I was home alone.He really reveled on what he knew he could get away with. John's insults were the same when I was alone.He could yell them them all day and no one could even tell him to be quiet or stop. And, those two aspects were far from the worst.
Mel Starr had quite a nerve moving his family into a City and expecting everyone to have to put up with the whole family's behavior.
As it turned out, he picked the right City for this.
The initial Officers had quite a nerve expecting everyone to have to put up with them enabling and protecting the S/Ws, but LHP defends its cops.To be cont...............
9-23-14.Reoccurring question.Re:Judge Hurley:Re: The LHP City and police policy of enabling, protecting, and clearing  a continual pattern of stalking and harassing, even and especially against women and children 
...........Should Judge john Hurley be alerted about this policy in the event that LHP employees, police,or City members -personally or their family members-  have a case against someone which would held in his Court? Should he be alerted to the LHP policy, which has been adamantly adhered to? Would it be a mistake to not inform him of this? Does he already know? Would he be complicit if LHP was not treated in the manner in which it legally treats other residents? Does a Judge have to accept a City's policy when dealing with said City members' personal complaints? This gets involved, as Attorneys have been caught up in this when not fully informed . This is not an easily answered question. LHP did give its law enforcement salaried 'sovereign immunity' to make up policies. So, should Judge Hurley acquiesce to these City policies when LHP City members have similar Court involved  situations as victim?
It seems that Judge Hurley should adhere to more standard policies when dealing with LHP as victim, even if that is as hypocritical as LHP is to its own residents. Again, this is not an easily answered question as it involves City sovereignty verses County and State sovereignty. LHP as victim requiring Court action is now a dilemma
