Monday, July 28, 2014

'THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU'. -July 17,2014 Atty.L.Reynolds, Attorney for Lighthouse Point,Fl.
Lyman H.Reynolds Jr. ESQ of Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, argues that the police do not have to protect you. 
Lighthouse Point, Fl.:Mayor G.Troast,  City Administrator J.Lavisky, Chief Ross Licata, City Atty.M Cirullo, City Clerk J.Oh
Orner subplot: opportunistic,overpricing,padding, ineffectiveness, deceit, predatory lawyering
Perhaps the two firms should merge as the result is the same- the City and law enforcement  continue and are protected and we pay a lot of money.
7-23-14. Lyman H.Reynolds Jr. ESQ of Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, argues that the police do not have to protect you. 
7-23-14. Re:LHP Responds: the Blog
7-23-14. Lyman H.Reynolds Jr. ESQ of Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, argues that the police do not have to protect you. He said that this had already been settled before when E.Bruce Johnson argued that the City is not responsible for the negligent acts of govt.workers.He said that my attorney and I knew it was wrong to bring a case up again as this had already been settled-? Someone should tell him this is not the same argument. And there was no legal ruling on the E. Bruce Johnson argument.Once again,LHP has shown it will further insult with any kind of legal jumble.
This particular complaint was only one aspect of the decade plus mess, simplified for easier settlement.There are many more complaints,in total and with law enforcement and City members.Ex.Obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, police harassment,cover ups,slander,etc.,etc.
LHP ought to realize that police protected stalking and harassment of that intensity and length and all the other actions are not going to be forgotten or just allowed to happen because the City and law enforcement have the deep pocket.The S/Ws did not legally move until Jan.2012.The Settlement Agreement which the City and law enforcement thwarted and disregarded was in effect until the S/Ws moved.It is also enforceable after they moved for things they did while here.

Refer to: STANDARD EMAIL ENDING  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.

7-28-14/THE FOLLOWING EMAILS ENSUED.THIS WILL BE LIKE THE OTHER BLOGS, NOT COMPLETELY IN  USER FRIENDLY ORDER.SORRY. Here are the sent wide audience emails. I do not have a lot of computer savvy. I have to figure out how to get the actual Documents up.

7-28-14Sun Sentinel/Letters Editor
7-28-14/Re:Using' The police do not have to protect you.' as method to try to dismiss abuse
7-28-14.Lighthouse Point,Fl.just recently invoked ,'The police do not have to protect you.'to try to dismiss a decade plus of law enforcement and City unethical and illegal activity. Shouldn't this law be stricken especially when used  as method to try to dismiss abuse? Doesn't this send the wrong method?Don't the police already have enough power and protection?Thank  you. 
7-28-14.Re:Under your watch/Mayor G.Troast
Mayor G.Troast, Although the majority of the decade plus situation happened during The Schorrs' Mayoral tenure, the resolution aspect happens under yours.The Schorrs governed with a heavy hand,-high end City, best  place to live,lots of Gloss and good PR,and they wouldn't be criticized, which would be fine if there were no problems, but there was and this one was a big one. And that outdated haughty, -really low grade snide-, 'To bad for you.Go away.' attitude didn't suffice.
The Resolution aspect happens under your Mayoral tenure. The usage and strange revelation of the usage of, 'The police do not have to protect you.'  is already too dirty and reminiscent of the past. Fred Schorr did groom you, but Fred and Larraine are no longer in control.
This usage really shocks a lot of people.It really isn't valid in a decade plus situation with many different aspects of wrong doings.
Your Mayoral reputation during a resolution period should not be used trying to validate a past mess. 
What are you going to do about all this?  This is a residency in LHP asking for answers as any LHP residency would be.
The damages and reimbursement- 'the fees we paid were too high'-well they were. However, the average resident doesn't know what to do in a mess like that and the S/Ws and their police and the City persisted and and persisted and we had no way out, so we got taken. Now, we would know what to do. You did say it wasn't the City's fault the fees were so high.Well, it basically was, as we were pushed into a corner and that has just been explained.
Fees are not the only relevant aspect.The damage aspect still regards putting up with whole thing and putting up with the parties continuing it,etc.,etc. As persistent as the S/Ws and their police and the Schorrs and the Attorneys were in continuing this while trying to cover it up,so can this residency be persistent in complaining about it. At least this residency is right.
This is not the email to argue legal issues. It is the email to ask what are you going to do about the City response, 'The police do not have to protect you.' ?This is happening under your watch.Thank you.  to be up in a few days.

7-25-14.Broward Head County Commissioner C.LaMarca,  
Re:'Where's the Ethics'?-County
This decade plus case is in your district and in your City.You knew about it as the residency directly across the street helped start your political career on the Beautification Committee and then as a LHP Commissioner running against an incumbent LHP Commissioner- one who dared to try to stand up against the LHP Officer who caused and was continuing to cause this mess while you were campaigning for LHP Commissioner.Note:Her complaints were of another subject.
County- You ran loudly on County  'Ethics' although there were actually processes in place to take care of the violators.
Your 'Ethics' -really 'Ethics for Other' People' -campaigning was really insulting.
Where were the 'Ethics' in your own City?
Where's the 'Ethic's in this decade plus situation? You've continually ignored this and a residency in your own district and City that really needed help.
As you will be campaigning again, 'Where's the Ethics?'To be cont.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.  to follow
7-25-14.Re:LHP City Ethics
Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, City clerk J.Oh, 
This residency is not the least bit happy with the current statis of this case.
Number one, it never should have happened. 
Now, this, 'The police don't have to protect you'. thing as attempt at City defense and reasoning. 
The S/Ws definitely got  their 'protection' sending patrol cars over her for every wacko thing they could think of, which really harassed this residency and we couldn't stop it, while they harassed and stalked at an intolerable, intense level of lengthy years in duration, with their police 'protection' to do it.
The City and law enforcement spent a lot of money and time protecting, enabling, and covering up for the S/Ws and themselves.They all got their 'police protection' in a completely unethical way.
When as the last time a well known high profile case threw that tactic out front?
This residency has had too spend much time and expense trying to counteract all this.
When are you going to do something about it.- besides paying Attorneys, who would never put up with any of this, to say dumb things?To be cont.

(#6)When discussing all aspects of the complaints with Howard, I said civil rights violations for all those years the police came in here on the request of the S/Ws -while the S/Ws were harassing and stalking at full intensity. The claims were obviously and noticeably false, and for things no patrol car should show up for.The S/Ws were exercising their 'LHP Rights' to send the police here whenever they wanted for whatever they wanted and they would plot these calls loudly in their backyard and then do them. They also had that 'LHP Policy' edge that if anyone looked at them,it was stalking and they could call their police. Actually, anyone on the property 'bothered' them just for being here and they called continuously until no one would come here anymore.This was also an invasion of privacy besides a civil rights violation.
Howard chose another aspect to initiate the complaints. And Atty.L.Reynolds did his thing, now, his well known thing.This whole decade plus has been discussed over and over on the Web with Audio and the Blogs, IF ANYONE WOULD EVER TAKE THE TIME TO STUDY THE FACTS.The S/Ws , their police and the City of LHP thought/think they were/are invincible.What's the objective of helping them with this?
Settlement Agreement
Broward County Circuit Court
Case No. 01-011629(04)
Circuit Court Judge Robert B.Carney

The last page of has a lot of insight.

Who was running the City? -The S/Ws? - with the Sociopath's Manual on how to run people around in circles?
The S/Ws sold and moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over.