Monday, July 28, 2014


7-31-14.Mayor G.Troast, 
Please be reminded, none of the Attorneys, professional, unprofessional,agenda based, or opportunistic, would have been involved in this if LHP law enforcement and the City had just done something right.No on can live with that intense, deliberate, routine harassing and stalking.
LHP is very belligerent. A decade plus belligerency.This just shouldn't have happened.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.  

All final editing done on the BLOG.
8-1-14. Re:Dancing around this wide,long mess
8-1-14.We saw Howard APRIL18,2014/June 2014. The climate had changed.The leverage of the S/Ws was gone,and it seemed really gone without worrying about them harassing us from outside LHP and calling in from outside LHP to send patrol cars over here.The S/Ws' leverage was grueling and effective and good recourse for daring to complain about LHP. There was also a Mayoral change. Fred, Head Administrator, and Lorraine Schorr ran LHP their way. So, this seemed the time to handle the damages and reimbursement as it would be easier without all that routine screaming and banging and harassing patrol visits,etc.,etc.
 Then at the APRIL18, 2014/JUNE meeting, I really complained to Howard about LHP law enforcement and the City thwarting and disregarding the Settlement Document which was meant to and should have stopped the problem.It requires an initial police report. Note: I had called him, his office, and emailed him for years, at least four, after the Settlement Document was instated about this.
 Re:LHP Police reports history: For years,from the beginning of the targeted harassment and stalking, I had to complain about LHP Officers just giving the S/Ws police badly written,misinformed reports because from the beginning of the targeted stalking and harassment, they used them as a planned vehicle and method to further harass by taking them to all the agencies they could.The S/Ws objective was to sue and also to make us move because we had 'ignored' Lori.The S/Ws always demanded  police reports for whatever wacky thing they thought up.See Website and blogs. Police reports will get you in the door. After that, people caught on to the S/Ws but in the meantime we had to put up with the inquiries and worrying about what they would be doing next.and, they were unrelenting with all their tactics along with all the intolerable routine targeted harassment and stalking. So the police reports were already an issue. However, ...........when WE wanted a police report for viable, obvious, justifiable, and substantiated incidents, they were not to be had. This was part of LHP's bizarre,inexplicable enabling, protecting, and covering up for the S/Ws,for years and years, with really outrageous patterned behavior being obvious. 
So, APRIL18,2014/June,2014,I brought this up to Howard.He acted surprised and said why didn't I call him and I said I did.He wanted more money and we were up to $30,000.00 with only $7,500 back in damages of which Howard took at least half at the Settlement Document signing.$1,500.00 was spent for the letter Howard wrote 9 months later with the E.Bruce Johnson reply.I had contacted the Judge,Judge Robert Carney, Broward Couty Circuit Court,about the problem still continuing, but it was out of his hands as that was how the Document was written. Howard said, well, you were a layperson and really didn't know what to do and there were other legal maneuvers to navigate through this.
The S/Ws immediately  and continually  violated every part of the Settlement Document and loudly gloated, threatened and taunted that they could, would, and did.They had the cops and the City.This residency was pretty much held hostage until the S/Ws moved and for some time after that as we didn't know if they would act up from outside LHP. This was very effective leverage.
If there is any misconception about what happened during  those years, please check the Website with Audio and the Blogs. I never stopped complaining and asking for help.Wide audience emailing was this residency's only  avenue for any kind of help from anywhere.When Howard pulled his latest $3,500.00 stunt using up the retainer, I did complain that he severely damaged this residency's case by not helping in all the in between years.However, the S/Ws did not move legally until Jan,2011, and actually kept it up while they were moving.Mr Starr came back after the house was sold and tried a little bit which got nowhere with the new owner on the property.The S/Ws were always brazen and confident.They had the cops and the City.
So, law enforcement and the City thwarted and disregarded the Settlement Agreement.They probably just didn't want any more knowledge of this getting into the Broward County system.However, couldn't they have at least stopped the problem instead of leaving the intolerable  leverage against this residency?
There are many aspects to this situation and case.
Deep pockets for attorneys aren't going to always and permanently be capable of dancing around this wide,long mess. LHP has no excuse.To be cont.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to   follows  follows follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
www.LHPSagaHowardsubplot.blogspot,com fo follow
7-31-14.Mayor G.Troast, 
Please be reminded, none of the Attorneys, professional, unprofessional,agenda based, or opportunistic, would have been involved in this if LHP law enforcement and the City had just done something right.No on can live with that intense, deliberate, routine harassing and stalking.
LHP is very belligerent. A decade plus belligerency.This just shouldn't have happened.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.   
 7-31-14. Re: Called Atty.l.Reynolds Office 
7-31-14. 2:30P.M. l called Atty.l.Reynolds Office to ask  if there had been any correspondence from him regarding this since 7-17-14. I did say I was not using Howard because of overcharging.Whether or not an attorney thinks this is a good case to win, there isn't going to be up front overcharging for easily collectable fees. It's still overpricing and he's already done this enough to us.
8-1-14.Re:Retainer fiasco

Howard, Andy left a complaint on your cell phone about the retainer fiasco and the entire situation.He wanted to leave a complaint directly with your office but your legal assistant is out this week.He will call back again. You shouldn't have done this to him,again.You seem to be oblivious to any impending reactions to your behavior. Return the retainer. You already made enough money off of us for very little ineffective work
8-4-14.Howard's 'Research'
While discussing this, the legal act of suing, with Howard,among the many complaints stated and possible angles of procedure, I had said to Howard, Weren't our civil  rights violated during that decade plus with all the harassment from the stalkers and from the police on their behalf and with many other things?
6-10-14.Andy just dropped this letter off. He wants to discuss this letter tonight.My suggestion below may be unnecessary, already implied, or wrong for this letter.I'm sending it to you to look over.I really like the packaging of the issues
Hi. Just got it Like it.What about something, if even vaguely,  addressing damages and reimbursement for the ENTIRE decade plus of abuse, harassment. negligent, obstruction of justice/evidence, slander, etc.,etc., from the police and the City?
The police and the City deliberately thwarted and disregarded the Settlement Agreement thereby continuing to nullify any way to stop the S/Ws and their cops. But that was  after 6 years of heavy duty abuse. Shouldn't the City and the police be liable and suiable for the ENTIRE decade plus?Did this letter already address this ENTIRE decade- in concept or innuendo, for damages, or is this letter just addressing after the Settlement Agreement?Did I miss that?Does this letter raise the issue or will it raise the thought process that the police and the City are on the hook for the ENTIRE period?And should that issue be raised, even vaguely, in this letter?I am aware of course that a justified complaint has to be correctly formulated and that is not my forte.I am just suggesting this. I may have missed the underlying objective and point and don't want to undermine a necessary process toward the goal.
 Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:26 AM, aseahorse wrote
:Howard, I am not an attorney and do not know how to strategically maneuver a case.If that additional thing I mentioned yesterday is not strategically good at this point, then just disregard it. In other words. that is a very good letter and do what you think best.Gail
5-14.Re:Who caused this mess?
8-5-14.Atty.L.Reynolds, Atty.M. Cirullo, Mayor G. Troast, Mr.J. Lavisky, J.Oh, 
LHP law enforcement and the City of LHP belligerently, unethically and illegally caused this decade plus situation, which is still unresolved, and eventually will be resolved. In the meantime, no laypeople are expected to know what to do with a mess like this,so problems as the one below will happen as lay people who don't know what to do try to stop the problem.
8-5-14.This is consumer fraud There was no understanding or even an innuendo the $3,500.00 was to write a letter.The understanding was, you would write a letter and if it the Case had to be filed for more evident effect, you would want  an additional  $500.00 for the filing.You said this was a $7,500.00 Case you were doing for $3,500.00. You had grossly overcharge us the first time around for $17,000.00, and then wouldn't even help when the situation was still going on while we were we finishing up the financing with you after the Settlement Agreement was instated and it was immediately being violated.The first Attorney cost us $10,000.00. We got back $7,500.00 and you grabbed half of that.You would have thought $13,000.00 would have been enough for what you did as all the work was already done and there was no having to formulate or argue the Case.You had to amend the filed Case so it would include damages which did include a Hearing, and then meet with the opposing Attorney to get the damages. You didn't even write up that Agreement.I readjusted it  and helped you add to it. $13.000.00 paid up front was already too much for that,and you still had to grab more.It was very evident we were under a lot of pressure and had been for that preceding horrific five and a half years.This was the kind of situation no laypeople would ever be prepared for or be able to handle.Obviously,very bad people caused this mess, but Andy said you took advantage of him at that final meeting and you did and everyone noticed and commented on your billing.We should have gotten a partial refund, not billed more. And eight months later when the problem continued, you wanted another $3,000.00 to help, but $1,500.00 to write that letter.The letter didn't work. Granted, bad people were still belligerently causing the problem, but they could have easily been stopped by a competent Attorney. Our budget had been used up. We had paid out of pocket over $30,000.00 and now I had to do all the work to try and stop that horrific mess,and it was a LOT of work- wide audience emailing, a Website with Audio and Blogs.I called and emailed your Firm for years and years and updated you on all the work I was doing. Finally, when,as discussed, the climate was better, with the S/Ws gone and that leverage removed, we discussed this with you. And, you took us again! Again, this is consumer fraud.
The people who who caused this mess will still be dealt with, but what was the point of paying you when I was doing the work? We were lay people who had no idea what to do with this mess. The Case was severely damaged in that period after the Settlement Agreement when you would not help. Also,how much research and studying the Website and Blogs did you do when you didn't even know I had been in Deposition and there had been FOUR depositions on our side which I had really complained about as Attorney Yates would not and avoided going  to issue in them?
Refund the money.Gee whiz, thank you.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way. is not up yet.It is in
8-7-14.Re:Turn of events/Finding anything satisfying 
8-7-14.This residency is not the least bit happy about the latest turn of events- Atty. L.Reynolds' in your face argument that 'the police do not have to protect you' focusing on only one aspect of the situation, and having to sue Howard to get back the Retainer money and for other obvious reasons.
If anyone will recall,after a year and a half of police protected horrific staking and harassing and unexplicable bizarre behavior and Police Policies to enable this, Hawkins/Ohs/then Vaccaro, we had to sue to try to stop it all. No one could live like that. I could just about drive to the nearest Attorney, Leshin, and talk about it after 8-10 hours of that as daily routine. Leshin started out alright, then just stopped working after $8,000.00 which we found out after we hired him that he had been fined by the Bar for other work in LHP. We also had paid $2,000.00 in other expenses. Also, he was easy to flip as strategy which as done by Atty.Yates the opposing Atty. who had no other defense as the S/Ws really had done it all.Yates was at the Withdrawal Hearing checking Leshin's paperwork. Leshin had demanded that we sign an agreement written up by Yates that both parties adhere to the LHP Police and City policies, which is why we had to sue in the first place as the S/Ws had the cops. Also, Leshin wouldn't amend the suit to include the proper channel for damages. Leshin said to sign that agreement or he would quit,and of course we said no as that would put the situation exactly where it had been from the beginning and still was and that was unlivable. The past five and a half years had been unlivable by anyone's standards.We needed to be able to use the property.I told the Judge at that Hearing there seemed to be collusion.

-Note:Leshin later got fined $500,000.00 with another unrelated activity of his.-  Yates had done everything he could to keep from going to issue in Deposition and to keep from going to Trial as the S/Ws had really done it all and were really proud of it and gloated and taunted about it screaming this gloating and taunting. So,there was the Atty.withdrawal strategy,the only maneuver left. Then, things got really worse and much more ferocious as the S/Ws upped the harassing and stalking, thinking we had no protection and we didn't. This was one of the worst periods.The Judge had said there were no more delays in going to Trial. And, on top of everything else,Lori was screaming they were going to sue us after winning that Case and they wanted our money and we were going to pay them. This was very, very scary as the S/Ws/ had the cops and the City and the cops and the City were still saying they had not and were not doing anything wrong. So, we had to hire another Atty. on very short notice with the Trial date very close.It was unlikely the S/Ws could have collected damages no matter what the cops and the City said, as this residency had all the evidence and the S/Ws had none, which didn't matter in LHP. but it would in a Court of Law. However, as long as we were going to have to do that part,we might as finish up the Case the right  way which would nullify that part. So,Howard came  into the picture. 

All of this has been told over and over on the Website with Audio and the Blogs with all the other activities of all the other parties. 
Anyone who finds anything satisfying about the turn of events should be reminded, this all goes back to LHP and the unsophisticated parties who made this mess.  To be cont .STANDARD EMAIL ENDING USED
RE:EMAIL BELOW-There really is no reason to contact him any more as LHP got what it wanted or, maybe not.I've already addressed any complaints about the emailing. Just delete them- A choice this residency never had when dealing with all the parts of the decade plus mess.-

8-7-14.Re:Reply to Atty.L.Reynolds Complaint, 7-22-14,About the Emails

Attorney L.Reynolds, I called Howard's paralegal assistant approx,1.5 hours ago and and asked for a copy of your last correspondence to him as he was charging me for reviewing it,7-22-14, and I just received it.

A little bit of history: Decade Plus Situation
At the beginning of the NINTH YEAR of being REALLY harassed and stalked,-this residency being
REALLY harassed and stalked- I started wide audience emailing in an attempt to try to get help from anywhere. LHP is very belligerent.After spending over $30,000.00 and with an instated Circuit Court Document,the wide audience emailing was the only thing that worked/works because LHP did not want anyone to know what they had and were doing.If there is any doubt to the necessity, listen to the Audio on the first Website. 6-14-04 is typical,but not the worst.This wide audience emailing goes to the Broward County Commissioners, reporters, police officers, LHP Commissioners, LHP City Members,Mayors,City Attorneys, Chambers of Commerce, Agencies, etc.,etc.This was the ONLY way to try to stop all this. It was also to have a referral basis to stop future behavior and to stop the spins,lies and misinformation which were part of the coverups. This was a modern horror story and a life altering experience.It was never my intention to be misappropriate within the attorney system. However, politeness and appropriateness were not extended to this residency.

I did not/do not think LHP informs its Attorneys it needs for this of the whole picture.I did not think you were aware of the whole picture when you made your now iconic choice of defense. But,LHP got what it wanted- a legal defense avenue on paper while the whole County already had access to what really happened.This 'attempted harassment' whining complaint might be considered if this was all frivolous.But, nothing about this was frivolous.This was a decade plus of horrific, intolerable, REAL harassment and stalking with unethical and illegal law enforcement and City enabling, protection, and cover up attempts, and wide audience emailing was/is the only thing that worked/works. All that couldn't be stopped by compainingand deleting an inconvenient email. LHP seems to have gotten what it wanted out of you. With regard to apologies,I am a polite person,but you are the opposing Attorney who certainly did not help this residency's plight  in any way.The emails will cease as your part is probably over unless you really want to argue this further to defend LHP. Unfortunately, the way in which I became acquainted with your Firm was not a good one. Those things happen.Have a good summer. STANDARD EMAIL ENDING USED
8-7-14.Re: Attorneys/
Trying to cover up, lie, misinform,etc., 

8-7-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, J.Oh,

The next time LHP hires an Attorney or Firm to try to smash this residency down from DESERVED damages, it might be a good idea to tell the Attorney or the Firm the truth about what happened here as that Attorney or Firm will eventually find it out anyway. Trying to cover up, lie, misinform, or underinform are not viable options to contain this.This is not an easy, slick, glitz move. It is also unfair to Attorneys or Firms to put them in the position of saying or doing things they may regret. Is the LHP Liason to other Attorneys detached or deceitful or both?
There is no residency in LHP that would not still be complaining about every part of this.This is the nicest way to state this.

8-11-14.Re:Howards Billing. Not only did Howard 'use up' the $3,500.00 retainer, he also billed us and sent the bill email and direct mail wanting an additional $1,072.40 for: previous balance over the $3,500.00 for writing that letter- $284.75, 
$555.75 for reading Atty.L.Reynolds reply to his letter ,
and $226.00 for reading another letter from Atty. Reynolds.
So, he want $4,572.40 total for what he 'did'.He did not mail us or email us a copy of the second letter he charged us for.I didn't
 even know about it,7-22-14  which was a complaint from Atty L.Reynolds,until 8-7-14, when I had to ask Atty.LReynolds and Howard's legal assistant to finally send me a copy.Both did. 
Howard should be working for the opposition. Ineffective work and the opposing maneuver of making it too expensive to fight back. From the beginning, with Atty.Yates and the City and law enforcement, the strategy was to make this too expensive for us to fight back.