Who was running the City? -The S/Ws? - with the Sociopath's Manual on how to run people around in circles?
The S/Ws sold and moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over.
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
www.LHPSagahowardsubplot.blogspot.com is not up yet.It is in www.LHPResponds.blogspot.com
Note:This is just the first 5 and a half years of tapes as they were submitted for Court.
JANUARY 2015/Once again, there is a situation where a BLOG needs to be reorganized. For now, January 2015 is being put here.Thank you
No Permanent Commendation for The Former Head Administrators,Inc.-Two
The S/Ws sold and moved Jan.2012. At least that leverage is over.
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave.-Targets of intense targeted stalking and harassment/ Needed assistance denied
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave. -Most harassing police visits in LHP history
Re:2830 N.E.35 Ct. -Most requests for police assistance in LHP history, Dec.99-Dec.2011,-obvious fabrications and lies
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
4-29-14.Basically, this decade plus of harassment and stalking was evil, sociopathic, and criminal. Note:Some prefer the spelling to be psychopathic, sociopath being the noun
9-18-14.Fw: Re:...why did the police jump...
9-18-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, J.Oh,
If the bottom line is "The Police do not have to protect you.", then why did the police jump every time the S/Ws told them to for all their goofy demands?
And why did the police and City enable, protect, assist, cover up, and clear the S/Ws?
This has not been resolved, except for the attitude of, 'Too bad for you if you didn't like it.', or the stated, 'Nothing wrong ever happened here'. 'The S/Ws did not and were not doing anything wrong.'
Where's the answers?
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.STARR/WATRAS
Note:This is just the first 5 and a half years of tapes as they were submitted for Court.
Audio Files - lighthousepointflorida.net | Neighbor ...
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court.
Note:This is just the first 5 and a half years of tapes as they were submitted for Court.
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court.
Note:This is just the first 5 and a half years of tapes as they were submitted for Court.
JANUARY 2015/Once again, there is a situation where a BLOG needs to be reorganized. For now, January 2015 is being put here.Thank you
No Permanent Commendation for The Former Head Administrators,Inc.-Two
1-5-2015/ Re:No Permanent Commendation for The Former Head Administrators,Inc. Re:The Deerfield Observer/ Jan.1,2015 pg.5/ YEAR END-LHP/ The Former Head Administrators,Inc The Schorrs Inc. don't need Permanent Commendation.This residency has repeatedly praised the Head Administrator's fiscal responsibility, and he did get a PR plaque for that, and his partner already got to play with a lot of cop stuff. There is no excuse for a Head Administrator to leave a LHP residency in in a mess like that for a decade plus.There has been no transparency or explanation except for the wilted, in your face cover up, 'There has not been and is not now a problem'. Cops have sovereign immunity. But someone has to hire them and pay them. Oh, that's right -a City, with a deep pocket and loopy lawyers.-'The City is not responsible for the negligent acts of govt. workers The Police do not have to protect you.'- The Former Head Administrators,Inc. have a good friends dwelling right across the street from this residency, the longest dwelling neighborhood residents witnessing the S/Ws' behavior for all those years before this residency was targeted and for all those years when this residency was targeted. What got lost in translation there?Agenda based? The Head Administrators,Inc. should have given a little more, to say the least, consideration to a residency with that much of a problem instead of being miffed the residency dared to complain.The Former Head Administrators,Inc. do not deserve Permanent Commendation. There is no excuse for the Decade Plus except juvenile, catty belligerence, and incompetence. There was no planning for the inevitable complaints and ramifications.Who would dare to stand up to them? -Actually any other residency in LHP treated the same way. Very unethical and shortsighted, and bratty.This situation remains unresolved. Note: The problem/ era of dumb self indulgence did not really end until the S/Ws sold and moved, Jan.2012. -Sociopaths running every part of the City telling what to do to accomplish their agenda.The S/Ws' cops, initial Hawkins/ Oh policies, have sovereign immunity The Former Head Administrators,Inc.do not. They had the authority and power to stop all that.They didn't. They can't have both, that decade juvenile unethical behavior and Permanent Commendation.This residency really suffered as direct result and was forced to spend an outrageous amount of money, time and work to try to stop it all.This situation remains unresolved. Conclusion:The Former Head Administrators,Inc. should be more concerned about the mess they continued and covered up instead of trying to receive and implement Permanent Commendation.Or-that method used for over a decade could be implemented- The situation of Permanent Commendation does not exist and never did.To be continued:
1-12-15.Re:Continued: No Permanent Commendation for The Former Head Administrators,Inc./ The Former Head Administrators,Inc., The Schorrs Inc. should not receive Permanent Commendation.Not wanting to or not being able to calculate the logistics of continuing and trying to cover up the decade plus mess, involving all law enforcement and City facilities, is a major flaw- as if the whole thing would just 'go away', or it would never look as if there was a 'problem' during their idyllic in power years, or no one would or be able to complain. It was/ is a serious Administrative flaw to miscalculate the logistics of the serious ramifications of the actions of all those years, whether the flaw was agenda based, or the result of feeling too powerful, or just not smart. It should be reminded that this indulgent, self serving, idyllic, "The Glory That Was Rome", pushed perception is grating. Number one, the word, "Was" -It's over. And number two, this wasn't Glorious.This was Dumb. No Permanent Commendation.To be cont.
Re: www.lhpresponds.blogspot.com JANUARY 2015
ENTRY: Who was running the City? -The S/Ws? - with the Sociopath's Manual on how to run people around in circles?