Monday, July 28, 2014

Placing www.LHPSagaHowardsubplot.blogspot,com here until edited and up
The S/Ws sold and moved, Jan.2012
That leverage is gone.
It took months to see if they would continue to harass from outside this City
That would include calling in and trying to send the police here from outside the City. 
It appears that leverage is also gone.
The S/Ws harassing and stalking leverage was hefty and effective.
Then we finally felt confident we had what everyone had all along in LHP.
A level playing field, without the leverage.
There was also a Mayoral change.
So, it seemed the right time to approach reimbursement  and damages.
It was 50-50 that Howard would 'act up' again,but we had too much money already invested in him.There was also a problem worrying about law firms or attorneys we didn't know well flipping the Case for LHP.
So,we took the 50-50 chance.It started out enthusiastic,realistic and positive.
Then,he 'acted up'.He probably can't help himself.
But this was the last straw with us.
He isn't using the entire $3,500.00 retainer for that.
We now aren't in a really horrible,routine, modern horror story, under the gun. so to speak,as when we met him and really needed immediate assistance and he overcharged- $13,00.00 before Settlement and then adding half the settlement money to his billing.$7,500.00 He took approx.$4,000.00.
Case. No.01-011629(04)
Broward County Circuit Court
Broward County Circuit Court Judge Robert B.Carney 
We had already paid $10,000.000 with Atty.Leshin the first six years. He did work at regular rates but then finally thwarted and flipped the Case for Atty.Yates. 
The City and law enforcement thwarted and disregarded the Settlement Document.
We still had the problem with the S/Ws continuing, gloating, blasting,harassing, and stalking,etc., and taunting that they would and could, and did.We were still under a lot of intolerable pressure. 
The letter approx.eight months after the Settlement Document to the City with the E. Bruce Johnson reply was $1,500.00.
So, Howard was at $18,500.00 with not a whole lot of intense work and we still had the problem.
All explained on the Website with Audio and the Blogs.
-Note:I called and Howard wanted more money.I called and emailed Howard, the Firm,and his assistant into five years complaining about the problem continuing.-
So, last month with a better situation here,we met with him, discussed the reimbursement and damages which he was very enthusiastic about,and paid him the $3,500.00 retainer
So this time, it was not a very  good idea to 'use up' all the $3,500.00 retainer and say we were in arrearages for about $300.00. and he wanted more retainer money.
This was not a very good idea at all

The following emails ensued
Note: The initial meeting with Howard was Fri. April 18,2014 when he was paid the $3,500.00 and the issues were discussed and Howard was enthusiastic. A. Teschner was there at the table and was largely unimpressive and he kept complaining he wanted to go home and was noticeably not happy.I didn't think at the time he actually was an Attorney.I thought he was a disillusioned interning assistant. 
When over five weeks went by and nothing was done, I called the Firm to ask if there was a problem and A Teschner got on the phone and said he was still searching for a law?!! What?! I called back and got Howard's recording machine and really complained not so much about  the five week delay, but really about  someone doing our Case that I wouldn't even hire to handle a traffic ticket who said it was taking five weeks to 'find a law' to use.I also said we've got over $30,000.00 and over ten years of our lives wrapped up in this and I had done a lot of work to get this far.
Also, A.Teschner said he had looked over the 20 pages of my Blog.What? He said he didn't know about the other two Blogs and the Website with Audio.
On the Friday we saw and paid him, Howard said he wanted the Website and Blogs on printed paper to be marked and used.This was on Friday and he wanted the printed pages there on Monday because he wanted to file something that week.That was a lot of work and a lot of printed pages.I emailed all the pages to LHP Staples to be copied and that emailing crashed LHP Staples twice because there was so much. But LHP Staples did  finish and do a good job. Andy took time off from work and drove the printed pages to Boca, delivered on Monday as Howard had instructed. He had to use a dolly to get it all in with one trip and the receptionist told Andy where to put all that printed work.Now five weeks later, A.Teschner hadn't seen it and the legal assistant called to ask where it was and I called Andy who said where he was told to leave it five weeks ago and it was still there.
 I also did tell Howard's legal assistant, that same day, the very same complaints stated above,and that I wanted to talk to Howard, who was in a meeting, where he remained until after closing. Later,early evening, Howard called,-our answering machine was on full volume- , and said,"You could at least pick up the phone." and hung up before we could get to the phone.
Is it any wonder that LHP,the City and law enforcement and 'Members',and Atty.Yates, and Howard and other parties in the decade plus mess end up on Blogs?
As stated above, the following emails ensued:

From: aseahorse 
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 8:31 PM
Subject: Howard/Gail/Question
6-5-2014 .Howard, This is a basic question I keep forgetting to mention.Why were we charged $1,500.00 for the letter dated August 3,2006? That was done approx. 9 months after the Settlement Agreement. Thank you, Gail
On Friday, June 6, 2014 11:50 AM, aseahorse 

Today at 8:33 AM
I don’t understand your question. And I couldn’t even answer same because I don’t have billing records from 8 years ago.
                S.  HOWARD ORNER
                         ATTORNEY AT LAW
        5355 Town Center Road, Wells Fargo Bldg., Boca Raton,  Fl. 33486
Phone 561-347-1336  Cell: 561-419-4081 Fax: 561-391-3786

From: aseahorse 
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 8:31 PM
Subject: Howard/Gail/Question

6-5-2014 .Howard, This is a basic question I keep forgetting to mention.Why were we charged $1,500.00 for the letter dated August 3,2006? That was done approx. 9 months after the Settlement Agreement. Thank you, Gail

6-6-14.The Settlement Agreement was finalized and paid for.
About 8 months later, the problem was still intensely  going on- with the S/Ws and the police and the City. They disregarded and thwarted the Settlement agreement.
And we wanted reimbursement and/or damages for the whole mess.
So you said that would be an additional $3,000, but you would send a letter out for $1,500. So, Andy paid the $1,500 for the letter.Then Atty. E.Bruce Johnson slammed it-see reply-and has probably regretted it since, as I posted it and sent it to the whole county when I later put up the website.He's still on my emailing list..
You decided not to proceed with the reimbursement and damages. Months later when the situation was still really bad, I talked to Randi and she said you wanted $3,000 and you would clean Lori's clock.
By that time,we were over $30,000 with the same mess so we put up that expensive (all that audio changed to digital) website to try to get help from anywhere.

Anyway, the question was just why was that letter $1,500? Not really a big deal.
I should call. This new AT&T emailing format is impossible.
I think the police are worried as they don't have any explanation except 'we do what we want!' The Schorr dynasty is over -new Mayor now. Any atty. the City talks to may by now just be fed up with the big mess the City made and may not want to stick their necks out for this mess
While discussing this, the legal act of suing, with Howard,among the many complaints stated and possible angles of procedure, I had said to Howard, Weren't our civil  rights violated during that decade plus with all the harassment from the stalkers and from the police on their behalf and with many other things?

6-10-14.Andy just dropped this letter off. He wants to discuss this letter tonight.My suggestion below may be unnecessary, already implied, or wrong for this letter.I'm sending it to you to look over.I really like the packaging of the issues

Hi. Just got it Like it.What about something, if even vaguely,  addressing damages and reimbursement for the ENTIRE decade plus of abuse, harassment. negligent, obstruction of justice/evidence, slander, etc.,etc., from the police and the City?
The police and the City deliberately thwarted and disregarded the Settlement Agreement thereby continuing to nullify any way to stop the S/Ws and their cops. But that was  after 6 years of heavy duty abuse. Shouldn't the City and the police be liable and suiable for the ENTIRE decade plus?Did this letter already address this ENTIRE decade- in concept or innuendo, for damages, or is this letter just addressing after the Settlement Agreement?Did I miss that?Does this letter raise the issue or will it raise the thought process that the police and the City are on the hook for the ENTIRE period?And should that issue be raised, even vaguely, in this letter?I am aware of course that a justified complaint has to be correctly formulated and that is not my forte.I am just suggesting this. I may have missed the underlying objective and point and don't want to undermine a necessary process toward the goal.
 Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:26 AM, aseahorse wrote
:Howard, I am not an attorney and do not know how to strategically maneuver a case.If that additional thing I mentioned yesterday is not strategically good at this point, then just disregard it. In other words. that is a very good letter and do what you think best.Gail
6-2-14.Reporters have been anxiously waiting to see what kind of a response LHP would try to use for all this. LHP has been dodging all questions about this.There isn't any objection now  with giving them the correspondence,-latest with City- is there? Howard has said I could give everything to the reporters.The City and City attorneys might have a hard time dodging the reporters now.One reporter favoring LHP privy and articles has specifically been not covering this, which has been a little too obvious. I finally complained about this to the other reporters,Blogged on  -last page,last items
7-2-14.The latest correspondence must be in error.Howard would not expect thousands to be paid for the present results. He wouldn't pay it.Andy and I do not want to present a weakness to the opponents, - all involved parties presently worried Thank you.
7-2-14. Preliminary Assessment: Orner fees
17,000.00 Settlement Agreement, 11,12- 2005/ Excessive/Should have been half that 
$1,500.00 letter, 8-3-2006/ Excessive /Should have been less than half that
$3,500.00 letter, 6-17-2014 /Excessive/ Should have been less than half that
Should be a remainder to continue,not a bill owing
High fees do not reflect high maintenance
7-3-14.In the discussion regarding this current aspect of this decade plus situation,  Howard said this was a $7,500 case, but he would do it for $3,500, with a filing fee of $500 if it went to trial.I thought that was because the original $17,000/Settlement Agreement and $1,500/ letter were high.Howard did say I should have called him when there was a big problem enforcing the Settlement Agreement instead of complaining to the Judge in a layman's manner, and I told him I did call him several times, but he wanted an additional $3,000.But by this time, we were way past $30,000 with the problem still continuing, so I put up the expensive website and started wide audience emailing which I put in the Blogs.The S/Ws and the City's advantage was to make this too expensive to fight back.

Re:Andy did not pay you $3,500.00 to write one letter.

Howard, Andy did not pay you $3,500.00 to write one letter.
No one would pay you $3,500.00 to write one letter.
No one would pay you $3,500.00 to write one letter with an almost $20,000.00 history in back of it for very little work.
You just ripped him off.
This deception and greed are disgusting.
To be cont.
Jul 37-2-14.Reporters have been anxiously waiting to see what kind of a response LHP would try to use for all this. LHP has been dodging all questions about this.There isn't any objection now  with giving them the correspondence,-latest with City- is there?
 Howard has said I could give everything to the reporters.The City and City attorneys might have a hard time dodging the reporters now.One reporter favoring LHP privy and articles has specifically been not covering this, which has been a little too obvious. I finally complained about this to the other reporters,Blogged on  -last page,last items  To legalassistant2@theornerfirm.comJul 6

HELLO,HOWARD SAID I COULD GIVE THE LETTERS-LEGAL WORK TO THE REPORTERS,as they wanted to know how LHP would respond to the decade plus situation.LHP hasn't and wasn't responding.This went out with the documents sent to Cirullo, but not Cirullo's reply to study the documents.Below are some of the email recipients-my standard list.The list isn't complete as this new emailing format is impossible. I'll try to edit up the list. People will be calling  LHP about this latest emailing 
7-3-14.Re:First/initial letter/RE:Transparency
 RE:Transparency.I sent an email with legal things.There hasn't been a lot of transparency regarding this mess among the inner workings of the City,so this is necessary.I still don't have a lot of computer savvy and again,this email system is impossible,and I really can't tell who got what.I should really send mailed copies.Thank you. Have a good day.
7-3-14.Re:First/initial letter
This is the first/ initial letter from our Attorney, dealing with one aspect of the decade plus situation.This attempt at simplification for expediency will probably go unappreciated by LHP, as LHP has been very belligerent and dirty in the way it handled every aspect of the decade plus mess. As with its history, LHP will probably want to argue out every aspect of the decade plus mess with its typical blah,blah, blah, all of which can be counteracted. Basically, this is being sent to counteract hiding paperwork and litigation from others and other branches in LHP. There are no residents in LHP who would want to  put up with the insulting.'Nothing wrong has or is happening.'-for a decade plus.Thank you. Note:written copies to be mailed.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
Blogged on  -last page,last item
Judge Robert B. Carney/Broward County Circuit Court/Settlement Agreement
Below are some of the email recipients-my standard list.

#2/Legal/ www.LHPResponds.blogspot.comto follow
Howard,In order to curtail an intolerable and horrific situation with previous attorney abuse,your skills as an attorney were necessary to maneuver the legal system.However the majority of the work usually done by a firm was done by me. It was necessary for you to amend a suit,court appearance, and to talk to the opposing attorney.The laborious task of evidence had already been done.The result was a signed Settlement Agreement. The opposing attorney really had no other viable option with all the presented over six years of evidence.
However, you charged $17,000.00. One of the opposing parties paid $7,500 in damages and you even took over half of that.
And,the Settlement Agreement was not enforceable.When I explained to you that immediately the Agreement was not enforceable. and complained to you over 9 months later that we were in the exact, same horrific situation, and wanted reimbursement from the other opposing parties, you said OK,you would undertake that for $3,000.00, initially taking a $1,500.00 payment. You wrote one letter which didn't work and claimed all the money was used up on that letter.
For years I called your office asking for help as the same problem persisted, to no avail. Then, you did say you would help for another $3,000.00 payment.
By this time, the financing was way out of line with no results dealing with a constant horrible problem with a clear avenue for fixing within a legal system, which hadn't been done.
So instead of paying you any more,I put up a website with over 40 hours of Audio and started wide audience emailing for help and also have put up three more Blogs.That was a lot of work documenting all the event for all those years with the wide audience emailing, done by me.There was no contact with you for years.There were always a lot of questions as to where and what our attorney was doing, especially with fees that high in proportion to the legal work done. 
In 2014, we again talked and I expressed the request for reimbursement and damages from the opposing parties.You said it was a $7,500.00 case but you would do it for $3,500.00 with a $500.00 filing fee to be paid later. So the $3,500.00 was immediately paid to you. You didn't do anything for weeks. Finally, you you sent a letter and...   said the entire $3,500.00.00 was used up preparing for that letter and we were in arrears for about $300.00 and you wanted more money to continue....................
The initial fees were exorbitant, $17,000.00, for an easy case with an easy legal  avenue to follow with most of the work already done, and that wasn't even effectively done. And with all that money paid, you wouldn't even help help afterwards.If there was any chance to redeem things, which seemed as if it was happening this time, for the exorbitant initial fees with bad results, by straightening out the mess this time, it didn't get done, charging $3,500.00 for a letter, with all the work done by  me in the years inactive by you. Attorney behavior jeopardizes any undertakings with the opposing parties when appearing not strong. 
The expensive initial undertaking and the inactive years afterwards jeopardized this case, which was not a hard case.The verbalization in this letter has been kept polite and firm.There have been other descriptions.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.  to follow


On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 8:15 PM, S. Howard Orner <> wrote:
Dear Gail:
I don’t understand your assertions as to the reasonableness of my fees that you paid my firm approx 9 years at this late juncture.  What I find odd is 9 years later you retained my firm again.  If at any time you genuinely believed my fees were unreasonable 9 years ago, why would you wait 9 years to raise this issue and retain my firm again if you were not satisfied with my former representation and the fees you currently incurred. Moreover, you expressed several times how satisfied you were with my past services  and the fees you were charged at that time. It seemingly appears I can’t satisfy nor make you and Andrew happy with my representation of you at this time. Thus, you should retain knew counsel and I will be more than happy to confer with your knew counsel to bring him or her up to speed.
Should you have any questions, please contact me.
Very truly yours,   
                S.  HOWARD ORNER
                         ATTORNEY AT LAW
        5355 Town Center Road, Wells Fargo Bldg., Boca Raton,  Fl. 33486
Phone 561-347-1336  Cell: 561-419-4081 Fax: 561-391-3786
From: aseahorse [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:42 PM
Subject: Re:emails
7-16-14.Howard, In case you haven't gotten the emails,please return two thirds of the money.Over pricing, ineffective results,case weakened. When we met you we were really under the gun so to speak.So, you gorged. After that ridiculous $17,000.00, we were stuck with you.The opposition -stalkers with police and City protection, knew they could make this too expensive to fight back and you also obliged. 
No help after the$17,000.00 Settlement Agreement was ineffective.Requests from you for more money for overpriced things. All along, with a Website with Audio and three Blogs to fight back, how many people were wondering exactly what was our attorney doing? And you just overpriced again.
Emails available in consecutive order.
On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:44 PM, aseahorse  wrote:
7-16-14.Re:DECADE PLUS situation
Please don't oversimplify or change the situation.
I could have written the stated below.
I'll resend you all the emails regarding my correspondence complaining about all this.
This a DECADE PLUS situation, a bad one.You came in in the fifth year, charged too much and then wouldn't help in the following bad years,even though I called and called you.The situation remained legally unresolved and is still legally unresolved. You were the attorney with the experience with the case and the one who used up our money for it. You charged us $1,500.00 for that letter after the $17,000.00. Now, you 'used up' the $3,500.00 for one letter.Overcharging is overcharging, no matter what era.
Again,please don't oversimplify or change the situation.And don't misinform about it.I really didn't think you would be so typical this time.I really thought you would try to fix the mess.To be cont.
7-16-14.Re:Complaints:Formulating a reply isn't the answer. I could write the formulated reply for you. It doesn't make things right. And anyway,if I did write a formulated reply for you about the complaints, you would probably still bill us for the reply. 
7-16-14.Howard, There are some things that need to be discussed, not avoided.
7-16-14.Deciding on how to spend $3,500 on a letter is a little too  disengenuous and obvious for an attorney claiming  to be working for the best interests of a  client, and the entire overpricing since the beginning needs to be reviewed.From the beginning, this was high priced, little work, and ineffective results, causing the client to do the work.
 Wednesday, July 16, 2014 10:36 PM, aseahorse <> wrote:
repeat offenses -overcharging, lack of work, unfinished ineffectiveness  
You did charge too much and jeopardize and weaken the case and I did have to handle it myself in front of the whole County while people wondered where was the attorney I had praised so much. Speculation about taking the bait to offend again as pattern by clients who were mad about the way they were treated should be put aside.I really thought you would straighten out the mess.I really thought you were smart enough to do it. Unfortunately your baser drive took over again.You over charged and wrecked the case which continued for years when you could have stepped in and helped and finished it. And then in the last two months instead of redeeming the situation, you overcharged again.
Don't try to over simplify with hokey arguments.I know this mess too well.To be cont.
7-16-14......................Re:Contingency.It does not seem that that firm will be used to continue litigating this case for reimbursement and damages as that firm is too pricey for any one residency.This residency is no longer worried that any contingency firm will just automatically flip the case for LHP, as LHP has definitely tarnished its reputation throughout Broward in the past decade with this mess and jumping in to get on LHP's good side with this issue is now  risky. LHP will probably not settle without a jury ruling and a contingency firm is needed for that. Click Blog on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently  and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.  to follow
On Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:13 AM, S. Howard Orner <> wrote:
You and Andrew were always satisfied with the outcome of the litigation of 9 years ago and never once raised any issues as to my fees you incurred for the services related to same.  Nine years later you retain my firm again and paid a 3500 retainer and all billing entries reflect the accurate time expended on Andrew’s behalf.  It saddens me that both you and Andrew do not appreciate my services and thus, my firm will not provide any further services under these circumstances.  It is apparent that you and Andrew have lost confidence and lack any appreciation in my firms representation of you.  Thus, I believe it is incumbent upon me to advise you that you seek representation elsewhere. I wish you both the best of luck and as previously advised, I will update your knew counsel and return your file upon your request accordingly.
 Very truly yours,
                S.  HOWARD ORNER
                         ATTORNEY AT LAW
        5355 Town Center Road, Wells Fargo Bldg., Boca Raton,  Fl. 33486
Phone 561-347-1336  Cell: 561-419-4081 Fax: 561-391-3786
From: aseahorse
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:48 AM
Subject: 7-17-14.The 'nine year argument' misinformation.
 7-17-14.Re:The'nine year argument'
'The 'nine year argument' is misinformation. 
I kept in contact with your office for over four years -after the $17,000.00. and the $1,500, as this residency really needed help. Emails and phone calls.We still had the same intolerable problem after paying all that and you just wanted more money. So, I did the Website,wide audience emails, and the Blogs.Putting all that money into the hands of one Firm could go either way.It could be used to really solve the problems or it could just be a pricey fee. Since you knew the case and had gotten all that money,it seemed only logical to see you again for the damages and reimbursement phase, once I had gotten the situation under better control with a lot of work on my own.Our budget for this mess had already gone to you up front. The $3,500.00 for that letter turned out to be overcharging as it was from the beginning.This residency is not a money pit. 
 Re:DECADE PLUS situation
Please don't oversimplify or change the situation.
I could have written the stated below.
I'll resend you all the emails regarding my correspondence complaining about all this.
This a DECADE PLUS situation, a bad one.You came in in the fifth year, charged too much and then wouldn't help in the following bad years,even though I called and called you.The situation remained legally unresolved and is still legally unresolved. You were the attorney with the experience with the case and the one who used up our money for it. You charged us $1,500.00 for that letter after the $17,000.00. Now, you 'used up' the $3,500.00 for one letter.Overcharging is overcharging, no matter what era.
Again,please don't oversimplify or change the situation.And don't misinform about it.I really didn't think you would be so typical this time.I really thought you would try to fix the mess.To be cont.
repeat offenses -overcharging, lack of work, unfinished ineffectiveness  
You did charge too much and jeopardize and weaken the case and I did have to handle it myself in front of the whole County while people wondered where was the attorney I had praised so much. Speculation about taking the bait to offend again as pattern by clients who were mad about the way they were treated should be put aside.I really thought you would straighten out the mess.I really thought you were smart enough to do it. Unfortunately your baser drive took over again.You over charged and wrecked the case which continued for years when you could have stepped in and helped and finished it. And then in the last two months instead of redeeming the situation, you overcharged again.
Don't try to over simplify with hokey arguments.I know this mess too well.To be cont.
 Howard, In case you haven't gotten the emails,please return two thirds of the money.Over pricing, ineffective results,case weakened. When we met you we were really under the gun so to speak.So, you gorged. After that ridiculous $17,000.00, we were stuck with you.The opposition -stalkers with police and City protection, knew they could make this too expensive to fight back and you also obliged. 
No help after the$17,000.00 Settlement Agreement was ineffective.Requests from you for more money for overpriced things. All along, with a Website with Audio and three Blogs to fight back, how many people were wondering exactly what was our attorney doing? And you just overpriced again.
Emails available in consecutive order.
7-16-14.Howard, Re: Overcharging.You overcharged us.No matter how much you dance and prance about this complaint, you still overcharged us.- correction$22,000.00-  Please return two thirds of the money.One third is more than enough.Ineffective results can result even with a lot of work.This was not a lot of work or assistance on your part.If there ever was a way to excuse the overpricing from the beginning, that went out the window with what you displayed with the $3,500.00.Thank you.
To Howard and Legal Assistant
7-17-14.Re:Mayoral assessment
Please return two thirds of the money. Andy is 70 and still works 50 hours a week. The money should not be going for over indulgent flim flam. You initially overcharged and wrecked this case when you wouldn't help enforce it. You wanted more money.I had to appeal to the Judge.Where was our pricey attorney?Where was our pricey attorney for the middle years when I kept calling and emailing your office?
Fighting off stalking sociopaths with illegal police and City protection was a waste of life, but it was boot camp for dealing with corporations,agencies,and Firms.
Stop lying.You overcharged and wrecked the case.You could have redeemed the mess last month but instead,your darker side just wanted an easy $3,500.00.
Months ago during my last conversation with the new Mayor,I said I wanted reimbursement and he said it wasn't the City's fault our expenses were so high. I replied it was because the City would not let up the illegal mess forcing us to act with no other way out.
For a lot of people watching this mess, our attorney input was lacking and overpriced.Who wants to reimburse an overpaid attorney who saw us coming?
HELLO,HOWARD SAID I COULD GIVE THE LETTERS-LEGAL WORK TO THE REPORTERS,as they wanted to know how LHP would respond to the decade plus situation.LHP hasn't and wasn't responding.This went out with the documents sent to Cirullo, but not Cirullo's reply to study the documents.Below are some of the email recipients-my standard list.The list isn't complete as this new emailing format is impossible. I'll try to edit up the list. People will be calling  LHP about this latest emailing 
